Saturday, July 28, 2012

Fourth of July, 1867 (Hawaiian Gazette, June 26 Edition)

Source: Hawaiian Gazette: June 26, 1867

FOURTH OF JULY-We publish the proceedings of the meeting of our American residents, on Thursday last, for the celebration of the coming 4th. This national day has for many years past been duly observed, and the subjoined proceedings show that the present year it will not be passed  over unnoticed. The 4th is hallowed to the memory of this generation by nobler victories, and the success of arms more pregnant with national glory than was associated with it in former days. Gettysburg and Vicksburg were hard contested fields, but the victories there have preserved to us the national day, which otherwise would have disappeared from the view except on the historic page.

HONOLULU, June 29, 1867

A meeting of the American citizens was held this evening in the Sales Room of C.S. Bartow, Esq., to listen to and act upon the report of the Committee appointed at a meeting held June 18th.

H.A.P. Carter nominated Dr. John S. McGrew, chairman of the meeting, who was unanimously elected. W. Hall was elected Secretary. Minutes of the previous meeting were read by P.C. Jones, Secretary of that meeting, and accepted.

The report of the committee was then read by H.A.P. Carter, chairman, in which was proposed the following programme of exercises for the Fourth of July, 1867:

Salute at noon of 37 guns.
Reception and exercises at Kawaiahao Church (if it can be procured) at 10 o’clock.
Reception of Captain and Naval Officers of U.S. Steamer Lackawanna.
Music by the Band.
Address of welcome by the President of the Day-J.W. Austin.
Singing by the Choir.
Prayer by Rev. S.C. Damon.
Oration by Rev. E. Corwin.
Singing by the Choir.
Music of the Band.

For the purpose of carrying out the proposed programme, the Committee suggested committees on finance, on music, on reception at the wharf of U.S. naval Officers, on salute, on church decorations, &c., and on invitations.

Moved by D.C. waterman and seconded by A. Judd, who made a few remarks on the motion, that the report of the Committee be adopted entire, which was carried unanimously. The names of the various committees were again read and approved separately.

P.C. Jones moved that eight ushers be appointed to seat persons at the Church on the occasion. Carried, and the committee appointed.

Moved, a vote of thanks to C.S. Bartow for the use of his room this evening, also to the Committee on Programme, and to Gov. Dominis for kindly offering to assist the salute.

Moved that a special invitation be extended to all who had been engaged during the late war, in establishing the glory of the national arms, and who have fought for their country.

The Finance Committee then called upon all present to come forward and subscribe what they were willing, to defray the expenses of the day. Many came forward, and nearly $300 were subscribed upon the spot.

Moved, that the minutes of this meeting, with the proposed Programme be published in the English papers. After  short and patriotic speeches from W. Fetters and H. A. P. Carter, and three hearty cheers each for Gen. Morgan L. Smith and for the Fourth of July, 1867, the meeting adjourned.
Wm. W. HALL, Secretary.

*See also the July 3 and July 10 editions of the Hawaiian Gazette.

Monday, July 23, 2012

July 4, 1860: Rose Ranch, Maui

Fourth of July in the Country
Source: Pacific Commercial Advertiser: Thursday, July 12, 1860

The morning of the fourth of July, 1860, dawned on few pleasanter spots than “Rose Ranch,” the hospitable mansion and plantation of Capt. James Makee, on East Maui. There were few merrier-hearted companies gathered to do honor to “The Day we celebrate” than were there assembled around the festive boards on that morning. The reputation of the floral beauty of Rose Ranch is not excelled by that of its open-handed hospitality. Beneath its roof, good cheer, cordial greeting, and liberal bounty are unstinted, and the frank cordiality extended to all who pass its threshold makes all, even those who came as strangers, soon feel at home. The unrivaled beauty of the garden deserves more than a mere mention; but it would require an artist’s brush on canvas to appropriately portray it. Surely “the desert has been made to bud and blossom like the rose.”  Those who remember the place before it came in possession of its present proprietor, would scarcely recognize it now. It is aptly named Rose Ranch, for they bloom on hundreds of bushes, and of every variety, from the “tiny dwarf” that Fairies might sport under, to the majestic and gaudy “Luxembourg” that stands over fifteen feet high-the beauty and pride of the garden; from the modest, ever-to-be-admired “moss rose” to the bright crimson “giant of battles”; while dahlias of every shade, delicate fuschias, with our home pinks, and an almost endless variety of other flowers, gathered from the four-quarters of the globe, combine to make it one of the most beautiful spots on the islands.

Nor for its floral beauty only is this spot admired, but with an eye to a variety of taste, we find here the apple-tree, the fig, the grape, the strawberry-guava, the strawberry, the banana, and the papaya-thus joining the useful with the ornamental. No one whose eyes have feasted on the scene will think it strange we linger in such suen lovely places, which the hands of the proprietor and his lady, more than any others, have served to beautify and adorn.

But, interesting as the garden is, the pride of the proprietor is now very justly turning to his cane field, of which he may well feel satisfied as giving ample promise for a rich harvest. Noticing a certain air of busy bustle and preparation among the ladies, a pinning up of skirts and a pinning up of aprons, while a variety of fragrant smells give intimation of coming good things, let us mount for a ride over the fields, and enjoy the splendid prospect from the hills. It is now only about eighteen months since the first fields were planted with cane by the present proprietor; the former owner had a sugar plantation here, but it had been suffered to run out, and now we see before us about a hundred and seventy-five acres, in all stages of growth, from the delicate sprout just shooting up through the brown earth, to the well filled out standing cane, nearly ripened for the mill. We notice the different varieties-from the white cane, that does not thrive well, to the dark red and green, whose very rind tells of rich juice that it encases.

Here is the wealth of “Rose Ranch” –and may it never fail to yield a rich return to its liberal owner. May the drought not dry up nor the cut-worm destroy these evidences of its material prosperity. But, long may the cane wave. The landscape view that lies before us is one of exquisite beauty. The flower and shrub-embowered cottage nestles at our feet, while quite a little village has sprung up around it to accommodate the wants that gather round a plantation. The land slopes rapidly to the sea, distant two or three miles, whose shore it outlined with a milk-white edging of surf, more beautiful than the most delicate lace work. A gentle breeze ripples the waters that glisten in the morning sun, while far out at sea we can see the white caps chasing one another down the channel that separates us from Hawaii. Yonder are the islands of Kahoolawe and Lanai, whose barren sides give but little encouragement to the agriculturalist, but which add much to the beauty of the view. To our right, the cloud-capped peaks of West Maui, six thousand feet above the sea, fill up the strong outlines of the landscape, and present a sight well worth the visit to see. It was among such scenery that a goodly party assembled on Wednesday last, July 4th, to celebrate American Independence. And while the company was enjoying itself here and there, active participations were manifest on every side. The “hands” of the plantation were to have a grand feast, and were permitted to invite their friends. Judging from the hundreds assembled, there must have been some very extensive family connexions, and many friendships among them. However, there was no niggardly dispensing, to judge from the slaughtered beef and pork, that waited but to be served up-and there was enough to spare.

At noon, the reports of a national salute went thundering among the hills, waking the echoes, and  if, perchance, some spirits of the old volcano on whose side we were, slept uneasily, they might have been aroused, thinking that Pele herself was coming on a friendly visit from her pit at Kilauea, on Hawaii; or that Kamapuas, their centaur, had landed again, and was sending his “aloha” up the hills.

Dinner was announced, and seldom was a more bounteous or more beautifully decorated table spread than that to which our guests were introduced. The sparkling viands, delicacies and fruits placed before the company drew out the warmest compliments. That they were fully appreciated was amply shown by the remnants that were left. It was no banquet-hall deserted, but one replete with life, gaiety and good cheer, and the merry laugh testified to the cheerful hilarity of the occasion. The company was gathered from widely-separated countries. There was of course a large majority from home –“the land of the free and the home of the brave.” All its sections were represented, and all united as a band of brothers and sisters, to keep thos our nation’s natal day. But the representatives from “the old countries” were there too-the German, the Swede, the Irishman, and those island-born who called this home-all mingled harmoniously; for was not the beacon-light of liberty lighted July 4th, 1776-a light to all the earth? Well it is, then, that all, of whatever name or kindred, should join in offering up incense to the God of Nature, that liberty may reign, and the oppressor be vanquished, and the enslaved go free.

Not the least amusing of our table festivities was a singularly constructed piece of pottery, that had come “many a mile” from far away, and was quite a curiosity. Not as old as the relics of Pompeii and Punch-Bowl, it still had its story to tell of days of departed greatness. This ancient relic, under the ever-ready hands of the young master of Rose Ranch, was placed upon the table for a spiritual manifestation, and acquitted itself most wonderfully. Suffice it to say, there were no sad or glowing communications to interrupt the flow of humor that prevailed; no “knockings” but what all understood; no superfluous “rappings,” but of such nature that the most timid among us could interpret. Strange to say, these manifestations did not leave till that witching hour-midnight-when spirits most do walk abroad. After dinner, we were entertained and amused by horse-races, ridden by the men and by the women, and foot-races ran by the boys and by the girls-all of which sports passed off without serious accident to mar the pleasure. A display of most brilliant fire-works-rockets, Roman candles, wheels, serpents, torbellions, Chinese fire-crackers and torpedoes-that would have done honor to any city, closed the more public sports of the day, and truly “astonished the natives,” –few of whom probably never saw such brilliant exhibitions of pyrotechnics. These were, fire as they were, and which illuminated most beautifully the grounds, and the happy group gathered on the veranda, paled before the light of the full moon rising in her glory and shedding a flood of light over a scene that might have answered well for the locale of “The Mid-summer Night’s Dream.”

Soon the music of the piano called the dancers to their places, and with quadrille, polka, lancer and schottische, the hours passed very quickly away. Patriotism manifested itself in national songs. And thus the hours of “the day after” drew near, when all joining in a bumper, standing, we drank –To the memory of “The great and good” –“The father of his country,” whose pleasant countenance looked down upon us from the walls, and who looked not on a pleasanter, happier company that day, than shoes who passed their 4th of July, 1860, at Rose Ranch.

"The Editor Abroad" Fourth of July, 1844 (Big Island, Hawaii)

Source: The Friend, Honolulu: August 1, 1844

To every American, how rich in hallowed associations is THIS DAY. At home, the day is ushered in with the firing of cannon, and celebrated by processions, addresses, picnic parties, temperance festivals, and the thousand methods of rejoicing, known to them only who take part in the exciting scenes.

The DAY is remembered too abroad. Under the ample folds of the “star-spangled banner” the enterprising sons of the great North American republic, on ship and shore, give full expression to their patriotic love of country. The citizen of the U.S. on the sea, is always proud to show his colors, while the resident among the people of other lands, other languages and national customs, rejoices that he can claim the protection of a flag respected an honored.

For an American citizen to appreciate his full privileges, he must visit other climes and nations. In years gone past, it has been our privilege to meet with assembled thousands in celebrating the “day.” On one occasion, to hear a country parson, set forth the glorious privileges of free-masonry; on another, to witness an imposing military parade of U.S. troops, on the very spot where the immortal Washington won his proudest laurels as an able general-the battleground of Trenton; and on still another, the masterly eloquence of Webster made an impression which time does not efface.

It was upon the Fourth of July, that John Hawkins, the apostle of the great Washingtonian Temperance Reform, made us to feel that national liberty was a precious blessing, but that freedom from the galling chain of intemperance was more precious. Although a man might enjoy civil, religious and national liberty, yet if he was addicted to habits of intemperance, he was still in bondage –a miserable and degraded slave. Is not the drunkard a slave? Yes; answers the unanimous voice of ransomed thousands.

Amid the recollections of past scenes, memory recalls one 4th of July, spent among friends and acquaintance -an agreeable party- in one of the wild, secluded and mountainous regions seldom visited except by a wood-chopper or hunter. The spot was near the heights of Mount Washington.

Our table was spread, upon the ground, within a few rods of a monument defining the point where the corners of Connecticut and New York meet the southern boundary line of the old Bay State. Years have since passed; other scenes have succeeded.

We doubled Cape Horn on one of the last days of June 1842, and the 4th of July was spent off the western coast of Patagonia. We were beating against a northerly wind, dead ahead. A cold and drizzling storm drove all from the deck except the weather-beaten sailor. “Salt beef and hard tack” was our principal fare. More than 100 days had passed since we had been cheered by the last glimpse of terra firma. One of Uncle Sam’s best 600 ton merchantmen was our temporary home, and we strove to be very patriotic!

But why dwell upon the past? Has the present no incentives to excite patriotic love of country?

Here were are in quiet Kealakekua, enjoying with out traveling companions, the kind hospitalities of the American Mission families, Messrs. Forbes and Ives, on the very spot replete with historical association the most interesting. Here fell Cook. Around us are temples of idolatrous worship mouldering ruins, while here stands a neat and spacious house dedicated to the only living and true God. A reading population dwell here; but it has been trained in schools after an American model. It was from free, happy and enlightened America, that the ministers of religion and the teachers of schools came, to impart the blessings of education, civilization and Christianity to this once heathen people. Be assured, our countrymen have not been idle. Has an American visitor to the shores of Hawaii no incentives to patriotic emotions on the 4th of July? Influences emanating from his own land have conferred blessings inestimable upon this; nor has the current of benevolent action ceased as yet to flow. While, at home we loved our country, we love her more, dwelling upon these far-off shores. We love her institutions –civil, literary and religious- and long may they continue to bless her thriving citizens at home, and dithuse a holy savior through the other nations of the earth.

This morning we rode on horseback from the mission station at Kailua to this place, a distance of 14 miles. The road was good-the best we had seen on the islands, considering the rugged and uneven nature of the country. Such immense tracts of lava piled up in every shape, would have well-nigh bewildered the scheming brain of a rail-road contractor. By mistaking our road, we came upon the identical spot where Cook was killed. It is the village of Kaawaloa, on the opposite side of the bay, from Kealakekua. The stump of a cocoa-nut tree has been set up in the fissure of the rocks to mark the spot where he fell, only a few feet from the water’s edge. It is five feet high, one foot in diameter bears three inscriptions on copper plate:

No. 1 –“Near this spot, fell Capt. JAMES COOK, R.N.; the renowned circumnavigator who discovered the islands A.D. 1778.
“His Majesty’s Ship Imogene, Oct. 17, 1837.”

No. 2 –“This sheet and coppering put on by Sparrow-hawk, September 16, 1839, in order to preserve this monument to the memory of Cook, “Give this a coat of tar.”

Underneath the above, there is another inscription on a sheet of copper, quite characteristic of the naval commander who caused it to be there posted. It reads as follows:

No. 3 –“This Bay was visited July 4th, 1843 by H.M.S. Carysfort. The Rt. Hon. Ld. Geo. Paulet, Captain; who was the representative of Her Britannic Majesty Queen Victoria. These islands were ceded February 25, 1843.”

Methinks the Rt. Honorable, within less than one month from that visit, regretted having thus posted his folly! For within that period, the Carysfort’s guns saluted once again the old Hawaiian flag.

Another monument on the neighboring eminence, marks the spot where were buried the ashes of his body after it was burnt. We have not as yet visited the place. In a house nearest the spot where he was killed, we visited an aged woman, who is totally blind. She remarked that when young, she sung songs for Cook’s amusement. She appeared at least 75 or 80 year’s old. I learned that she had always resided on or near the place.
Kealakekua Bay, July 4th, 1844.

P.S. The cocoa-tree bearing the above inscriptions, was partially “cut off” by a ball from Cook’s ship, at the time he was killed. The top portion was taken to England, by Capt. Bruce, H.M.S. Imogene. So says report at Kealakekua Bay.
July 5th.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The American Flag, by Joseph Rodman Drake (1862)

The American Flag
By Joseph Rodman Drake
Source: Pacific Commercial Advertiser, Honolulu: Thursday, July 3, 1862

When Freedom, from her mountain height,
Unfurled her standard to the air,
She tore the azure robe of night,
And set the stars of glory there;
She mingled with its gorgeous dyes
The milky baldric of the skies,
And striped its pure, celestial white
With streakings of the morning light;
Then, from his mansion in the sun,
She called her eagle bearer down,
And gave into his mighty hand,
The symbol of her chosen land.
Majestic monarch of the cloud!
Who rear'st aloft thy regal form,
To hear the tempest-trumpings loud,
And see the lightning-lances driven
When strive the warriors of the storm,
And rolls the thunder-drum of heaven--
Child of the sun! to thee 't is given
To guard the banner of the free,
To hover in the sulphur smoke,
To ward away the battle-stroke,
And bid its blendings shine afar,
Like rainbows on the cloud of war,
The harbingers of victory!
Flag of the brave! thy folds shall fly,
The sign of hope and triumph high,
When speaks the signal-trumpet tone,
And the long line comes gleaming on:
Ere yet the life-blood, warm and wet,
Has dimmed the glistening bayonet,
Each soldier eye shall brightly turn
Where the sky-born glories burn,
And, as his springing steps advance,
Catch war and vengeance from the glance;
And when the cannon-mouthings loud
Heave in wild wreaths the battle-shroud,
And gory sabres rise and fall,
Like shoots of flame on midnight's pall;
Then shall thy meteor-glances glow,
And cowering foes shall shrink beneath
Each gallant arm that strikes below
That lovely messenger of death.
Flag of the seas! on ocean wave
Thy stars shall glitter o'er the brave;
When death, careering on the gale,
Sweeps darkly round the bellied sail,
And frighted waves rush wildly back
Before the broadside's reeling rack,
Each dying wanderer of the sea
Shall look at once to heaven and thee,
And smile to see thy splendors fly
In triumph o'er his closing eye.
Flag of the free heart's hope and home,
By angel hands to valor given;
Thy stars have lit the welkin dome,
And all thy hues were born in heaven.
Forever float that standard sheet!
Where breathes the foe but falls before us,
With Freedom's soil beneath our feet,
And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us?

A Honolulu Fourth of July in 1843 (Editorial: Published 1926)

A Honolulu Fourth of July in 1843
Editorial: Honolulu Advertiser: July 6, 1926

A glorious spectacle greeted early morning risers in Honolulu on July 4, 1843, when they saw rounding Diamond Head a great cloud of canvas, bellying to the trade-winds and propelling a great hull, whose sides were pierced for gun ports, and through which the muzzles of cannons protruded. She was the United States kine-of-battle ship “Ohio.”

Visits of warships with the American flag flying over them cheered the American pioneers in the Hawaiian Islands back in the 20’s and 40’s, particularly, for those were troublous decades in island history. But just when trouble clouded the Hawaiian horizon and beset the island ship-of-state, an American warship often, and providentially, hove in sight.

But when one of the greatest wooden-walled warships arrived on the Fourth of July, enthusiasm and patriotism seemed to have no limit. In “Hawaiian Yesterdays”, published in 1906, by Henry M. Lyman, M.D., son of the Rev. Mr. Lyman, who came to Hawaii in the early 30’s as a missionary and was established in Hilo, a graphic account is given of the “Ohio” arriving in Hilo, her long stay in the harbor awaiting a favorable breeze to sail out, and of her arrival at Honolulu.

“Captain Stribling had the splendid three-decker all to himself,” says Lyman, who at that time was a small boy, a passenger on the vessel from Hilo to Honolulu. “The ‘Ohio’ was one of the largest ships in the service; she was the latest and most perfect specimen of naval architecture that the old wooden flotilla had exhibited, dwarfing all of her predecessors in our port, and surpassing them in the number of guns and solidity of structure.” The warship called at Lahaina and saluted the king.

“On the following afternoon, the ‘Ohio’ again weighed anchor, and floated majestically out of the quiet roadstead… We quietly jogged along till daylight overtook us in a calm near Koko Head. At breakfast time, however, the trade wind began to blow and we rounded Diamond Head under full sail-a moving tower of white canvas.

“It was the Fourth of July; so after casting anchor in the roads outside of Honolulu harbor, the sails were furled, and the ship was dressed from spanker-gaff to main-truck and flying jib-boom with the gaily colored ensigns of all nations, displayed to honor the day. Captain Stribling good-humoredly bade his passengers farewell, and set us all on land before the hour of noon, when the yards were manned, and the great guns saluted the flags, thus ending in the roar of cannon our experience of life on a man-of-war.”

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The “Glorious Fourth” Honolulu 1882

The “Glorious Fourth” (Honolulu 1882)
Source: Daily Bulletin: Honolulu. Wednesday, July 5, 1882

Yesterday was the “Glorious Fourth,” and right gloriously was it celebrated by all Americans and descendants of American residents in Honolulu. And not only by Americans, but other foreigners of other nationalities represented here, as well as native Hawaiians, joined in the celebration with enthusiasm.

The published programme was pretty fully carried out. The first salute was fired at sunrise, repeated at noon, and again boomed out at sunset. The morning salute was the signal for the parade of the “Antiques and Horribles,” who appeared in considerable numbers garbed in endless varieties of grotesque costumes, and marched through the principal streets of the city, affording much amusement to old and young, and exciting many a hearty, health-inspiring laugh.

Next came the boat race at nine o’clock, which did not draw a large crowd, owing probably to the desire of the multitude to be in time at the great centre of attraction out on the plains; for at this hour and even earlier, the people could be seen wending their way along King Street in the direction of Waikiki.

At 11 o’clock A.M. began the exercises and amusements proper of the day. By this hour a great company of both sexes, all ages, and all nationalities had collected together –on the beautiful grounds of Mr. Samuel Carter, King Street South. Here the Committee had made every preparation for the accommodation, comfort, and enjoyment of all. An extensive floor had been laid down for dancing, a spacious shed erected, and swings and merry-go-rounds put up for the benefit of the young.

The oration –an able and eloquent production- was delivered by the Rev. J.A. Cruzan. Mr. Jas. B. Castle read the Declaration of Independence admirably. A fine choir supplied some first-class vocal music, and Prof. Berger was on hand throughout the day to enliven and soothe with the melodious strains of the Royal Hawaiian Band.

Refreshments in rich abundance were served out shortly after one o’clock, to all whose appetites prompted the acceptance of this bounteous hospitality. Dancing and other amusements followed, the varied programme furnishing something to suit all tastes. The Committee are particularly entitled to the thanks of fathers and mothers and lovers of children for the provision made for the entertainment of the little ones. It should also be noted that the public were invited –Americans and non-Americans- and that all other nationalities participated as freely in the enjoyments of the day as the Americans themselves.

The Ball in the evening, which was held in the Music Hall, was a brilliant affair –an appropriate finale of the day’s programme.

1926 Honolulu Advertiser Editorial: What America Means

The July 5, 1926 edition of the Honolulu Advertiser (today's Star Advertiser) featured this editorial, quoting Rabbi Abba Hillel Silber (or Silver). The year this was featured corresponded with the sesquicentennial of the founding of the United States of America in 1776. 

Born in 1893 in Lithuania who was brought to New York City at aged 9, he would rise to be one of America's leading rabbis. Go to this web link for a site dedicated to his life and works. 

What America Means
Source: Honolulu Advertiser, July 5, 1926.

In a recent address, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silber of Cleveland defines what America means to him as follows:

"To me America is definitely more than an aggregate of 110,000,000 people; to me America is all that the submerged races of the world wish to be and cannot; to me America is the concrete realization of what the ages have hoped for and labored for. 

"It is a definition. It is a creed. It is a challenge. God built a continent of glory and filled it with treasures untold. He carpeted it with soft rolling prairies and pillared it with thundering mountains. He studded it with soft flowing fountains and traced it with long winding streams. He graced it with deep shadowed forests and filled them with song.

Then he called unto a thousand peoples and summoned the bravest among them. They came from the ends of earth, each bearing a gift and a hope. The glory of adventure was in their eyes and the glory of hope within their souls. And out of the labor of men and the bounty of earth, out of the prayers of men and the hopes of the world, God fashioned a nation in love, blessed it with a purpose sublime and called it 'America'!" 

1845: American National Ode by James Silk Buckingham

The poem below was published in the July 16, 1845 edition of The Friend, a Honolulu-based monthly tome edited by the Rev. Samuel C. Damon, a missionary associated with the American Seaman's Friend Society. 

One of the major themes of this poem is temperance. The temperance movement was an organized effort to encourage the moderation or the elimination of the consumption of alcoholic beverages. 

The author was British-born James Silk Buckingham (1786-1855), an author, journalist and traveler. He traveled throughout Europe, parts of Asia and the United States of America. There is no evidence that he visited the Hawaiian Islands. Nevertheless, as both an American patriot and fervent temperance advocate the poem must have appealed to Damon, resulting in its publication -one that was widely read by sailors and seamen. 

American National Ode
By J.S. Buckingham
The Friend
July 16 1845.


Hail day of joy! whose glad return
            Hears a united nation's voice-
            "In thoughts that breathe, and words that burn,"
            Bid millions of free hearts rejoice.

"Who is the tyrant? -who the slave?"
            A thousand anxious voice cry-
Alas! the tenants of the grave,
            Could they but rise, might best reply.

The tyrant is -DESTROYING DRINK-
            Who chains his slaves in links of fire;
The slave is he whose manhood sinks
            Beneath his withering sceptre dire.

This tyrant carries in his train
            Each baleful passion's poisonous breath-
Crime, Misery, Want, Despair, and Pain,
            Disease, Insanity, and Death.

Will they who love their native land,
            See such a tyrant's rule unborne,
Nor stretch at once their patriot hand,
            To hurl him from his despot throne?

It cannot be! -Man's nobler part
            Yearns for his fellow-suffering man-
Haste, then, each patriot -Christian heart.
            The revolution is begun!

O! for a Washington's pure name,
            A Franklin's mind -a Hancock's zeal,
A Henry's eloquence-whose flame
Should kindle, in their country's weal.

Ten thousand thousand glowing tongues,
To form, to-day, a sacred band,
In every gall to bid their songs
Swell high for temperance through the land!

Honolulu: 1870

The Fourth of July: 1870
Source: The Friend: Honolulu. July 6, 1870

The day was truly a holiday to all classes in Honolulu. The Government offices were closed. The Legislature adjourned. The stores and shops were deserted. Such as did not seek amusement in the country, found it at various gatherings in town. At the residence of the American Minister a sumptuous tables was spread, from 12 to 1 o’clock, under the shade of the beautiful trees, where all so inclined, including officers of the Hawaiian Government, resorted to pay their respects. Then followed a gathering at the residence of the American Consul, where, in addition to the usual collation, Mrs. Adamson received the ladies, and her husband, the Consul, delivered an appropriate and eloquent address whuch, we hope, will be published. As he is a native of Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, he could speak, with propriety, of old revolutionary times. The children’s picnic, up the valley, at the residence of Mrs. Paty, was a grand success. The “old folks” were as much delighted as the “young folks.” The day was charming, so that the god entertainment, music, marching, and a few speeches, the occasion passed off to the delight of all.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Makawao, Maui: 1856

The Fourth of July: Makawao, July 4th, 1856
Source: The Friend: Honolulu. August, 1856
Published by Rev. Samuel C. Damon.

Mr. EDITOR: For the first time, the 4th of July instant, being the Eightieth Anniversary of our Country’s Independence, was formally celebrated at Punalu in a beautiful kukui grove on the farm of Judge Hardy. Some seventy foreigners mostly from the U.S. among whom there were ten or twelve ladies’ assembled at 1 o’clock P.M., the day being fine when the following exercises were performed.

1st. Singing, “My country ‘tis of thee.” 2nd. Prayer. 3rd. Reading the Declaration of Independence. 4th. Oration, “Duties of American Citizens, Residents of Foreign Lands.” 5th. Addresses. 6th. Singing.

We then adjourned to the unoccupied house of Judge Hardy, where a bountiful repast picnic had been prepared of which all freely partook, after which some fine singing closed the exercises.

Thus we back-woodsmen celebrated the Anniversary of our Country’s birth as an independent republic; and thus without the aid of powder, or wine, or the frivolous exercise of dancing, we gave as we were able, an example to the Hawaiians of the best method of observing such a season.

The 31st of this month is a day as long to be remembered by this people, as the 4th of the month is to be remembered by us. In my opinion the example which we give the King, Chiefs and people will influence them in celebrating the day of their deliverance from distress. While I fully agree with an opinion which I see in one of the late papers of the metropolis, of the shameful doings of the natives on the 2nd of July at their feast at which they introduced the Hula, I think a portion of the wrath editorial had better been delivered to other parties who it seems have spent night after night in hulaing after their fashion, while men and women from Christian lands consume the night in dancing, they need not wonder that Hawaiians hula. And who I pray, will have to account for this misleading this people if not those born, educated in Christian lands. See Luke XVII.1.

Yours truly,

P.S. Please correct the notice of the late Mr. Crowningburgh’s arrival at the islands, you make we say 1747 or ’48, I said 1827 or ’28. I arrived at in 1828 and found him at Honolulu.

America: The Polynesian, July 4, 1844

(For the Polynesian)

Published July 27, 1844 Honolulu
By “Z,” July 4, 1844

A world is found-hid in the distant west,
It lay for ages in old ocean’s breast;
There it had been since first the East began,
And still unknown, untrod by haughty man;
There it had mocked in solitude sublime,
Improvement’s strides-the lofty march of time.

Long had proud Europe slept in starless night,
Old Greece and Rome were gone, and with them light;
Fair wisdom wept in solitary glen,
With monks retired from the paths of men;
And science buried in those awful cells,
No sweeter praise she heard than chime of bells.
And there, recluse, full oft she mourned the hour,
When conquering ignorance bound her magic power.
But age on age at length had rolled away,
Knowledge resumed her proud and ancient sway,
And now fair wisdom, that celestial maid,
Had fled from monks and burst the cloistered shade,
When bold Columbus left his native land,
To seek another world-another strand.
He leaves his kindred and his native shore,
Treads in a path that none had trod before;
And fearless tempts the perils of the deep,
The winds, the waves, the storms, that never sleep.
Hope swells his sail-ambition steers his bark-
Fame is the prize-a distant world the mark.

The dangers past, the lengthened voyage o’er,
Triumphant now he treads Columbia’s shore.
And now the thought exulting heaves his breast,
That he from peril here has found a rest;
That he has turned the shafts of scorn aloof,
With truth’s strong buckler-all-protecting proof;
That he has given with unsparing hands,
To princes empires, and to peasants lands.
Nor was forgot in that exulting hour,
The leading hand of an Almighty Power;
For, bending low he worshipped on the sod,
And breathed with pious lips a thank to God.

Now we see wide-spreading to the astonished view,
A world around us how sublimely new.
See lofty hills in slow graduation rise,
Until at length they seem to pierce the skies;
See many a stream flow on through many a plain,
Still gathering strength until they reach the main;
O’er many a break see mountain streamlets bound,
And lofty forests nodding all around.
Here oft is heard the long and mad’ning howl,
Of savage men and savage beasts that prowl;
Here stalks the Indian in the midnight deep,
Dreams of revenge or waking or sleep;
Here oft these wilds have known the bloody scene,
When life runs out in many a crimson stream;
And oft they’d known the fierce and awful hour,
When weakness faintly gasped in savage power.
Land of the mountain and the mighty flood,
O Nature made thee in her wildest mood!
Land of the forest and the mighty lake,
Man calls on thee-from solitude awake!

The world goes on-see change succeed to change,
How trifling some, and some how passing strange;
See now Columbia smile from shore to shore,
A desert waste three hundred years before;
Where forests stood see mighty cities rise,
Whose lofty domes aspiring reach the skies;
See farm and village spread o’er many a plain,
Where solitude once held her ancient reign;
See science shine, see flourish every art,
And trade and commerce thrive in every part;
Her sons ne’er bow to proud oppression’s nod,
They fear but one-they worship only God.
Favored of Heaven!-Land of the brave and free!-
The oppressed from every country fly to thee;
If once they reach thy hospitable shore,
Of dangers past and toils, they dream no more;
But there in peace they tie the social knot,
The present unperplexed-the past forgot.

With thee Columbia my native land,
May gracious Heaven deal with gentle hand;
May it avert from thee the storms of State,
And every woe that latent may await;
May some kind Angel guard thy boundless shore,
Alike from foreign and intestine war;
May the hot blood of fierce and lawless broil,
Ne’er impious stain thy consecrated soil,-
But if my country’s violated laws,
Or if fair freedom’s ever sacred cause,
Demands imperious the avenging sword;
Of then may victory be the just award,-
Then, then in triumph may thy banner wave,
And its bright star to glory guide the brave.

Honolulu, July 4, 1844                        Z.

America's Banner: 1845

America's Banner
The Friend: Honolulu. Published by Rev. Samuel C. Damon,
American Seaman's Friend Society.
March 1845, page 73.

The flag of our nation waves proudly on high,
Our magnificent streamers are sweeping the sky
And the proud bird of freedom now soaring afar,
Is illuminated by the radiance of liberty's star.

On the bright azure vault in rich beauty above,
O'er our land it is floating, the land that we love,
O'er that land that our fathers long fought to secure,
Where the real fires of freedom burn brilliant and pure.

As that banner unfurled proudly kisses the skies,
So the nation in grandeur was destined to rise,
Till at length on the summit of glory we rest,
A vast nation of nobles, a world at the west.

By the strong bond of freedom, united we stand,
With our glory unsullied, immoral and grand,
While our name and our banner will ever convey,
To the realms of the earth our omnipotent sway.

But, that sway is not despotic, our just laws are those,
Made for freemen's protection from insolent foes;
Made to shelter the weak from the strong arm of spoil,
And secure to the laborer the fruit of his toil.

We do not wish for conquest, we strive not to gain
By our arms, or our gold, wither island or main,
But we ardently hope that our "liberty tree,"
Long shall wave its broad boughs o'er the sons of the free.

From the masts of our barks as they roam o'er the waves,
From hills that look down on our forefathers graves,
From the temples of freedom that proudly aspire,
Like our own monarch bird, though far prouder and higher;

Now our stripes and our stars to the breezes are flung,
Though the bowstrings of war by our land are unstrung;
And ourselves, while our grandeur gleams proudly and far,
Rest secure in our homes, 'neath our own natal star.

May this banner, now kissed by the breezes of heaven,
Float long o'er those shores, (by no despot e're riven,)
Be the "signa" of freedom, and tyranny's fall,
While united we stand, till divided we fall.

A sailor
From the Wm. C. Nye's forecastle.

U.S.S. Constellation & Hawaii Day, Baltimore: 1926

Source: Honolulu Advertiser: Thursday, July 8, 1926.
Large Flower lei Draped Over Gangway; Visitors Given Leis.
(By The Associated Press)

PHILADELPHIA July 3 -The exercises tonight on the wooden decks of the frigate Constellation climaxed the Hawaii Day celebration at the Sesquicentennial exposition, reviving the memories of the incident 83 years ago. Miles Cary, chairman of the exercises, read the official greetings, pledging anew the fidelity of Hawaii to America in the form of a message from Acting Governor Raymond C. Brown.

Miss Palmyra Beie, chairman of the Hawaii delegation, delivered a tribute to the Constellation on behalf of the citizenry of the islands, at the close of which she handed a large lei of Hawaiian flowers to Admiral Thomas P. McGruder, U.S.N., who placed it at the entrance to the gangway.

Three native teachers distributed five hundred leis to the visitors. Each lei is the work of a school child, whose name is attached with the request that the recipient of the floral wreath write to Teachers Mrs. Phoebe Amoy, Honolulu; Gertrude Leong, Lahaina; and Mrs. Nora Marcham, Honolulu.

Marked by all the color and classic dancing and depiction of life in those tropical islands, Hawaii Day was celebrated today at the sesquicentennial here.

The exercises were the first held by a territory of the United States at the exposition for observance of the 150th anniversary of the mother country.

A delegation from Daughters and Sons of Hawaiian Warriors marched in a colorful procession from the exposition grounds to the frigate Constellation in the nearby navy yard, where a pageant was presented re-enacting the boarding of the Constellation in 1843 by King Kamehameha III, and the raising of the Hawaiian flag by the commander of the Constellation as a mark of friendship for the island government. A lei was presented to the old ship by the "Warriors" in memory of the day when the Constellation lay at Honolulu with her guns facing a British frigate and when commander Kearney protested the hoisting of the British flag over Hawaii.

The Hawaiians later gave a reception aboard the ship to a number of guests, including Admiral Thomas P. Magruder, USN, naval and military officers and sesquicentennial exposition officials and their wives.

Hawaiian exhibits at the exposition are displayed at the transportation building.

Miles Cary of Honolulu is general chairman of the day for Hawaii.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Fourth of July: Honolulu, 1866

Pacific Commercial Advertiser: Thursday, July 7, 1866

The Ninetieth Anniversary of American Independence was ushered in at midnight by the loud roar of cannon, under the direction of Young Hawaii, and the less exciting noise of fire-crackers, accompanied with the singing and hurrahs of sleepless serenaders, who appeared perfectly familiar with “John Brown’s Soul,” “Marching Through Georgia,” and other popular songs. The day dawned beautifully, and the sun rose with majestic splendor over our eastern hills, spreading his bright rays over city, plain and sea. As the day advanced and the sun rose higher, the cool trade winds blew fresh from the moist mountain tops, and the clouds spread a welcome veil that tempered the heat and made the scene Edenlike. It was a fit day for the remembrance of so noble a cause, and every one seemed to feel the inspiration of its holy atmosphere.

At an early hour, flags were displayed from flagstaffs and across the streets, presenting a holiday aspect not often seen here. The shipping in the harbor was gaily decked, but the clipper Star of the Union and the bark Palmetto lying in the offlug, surpassed them. Every mast of these two vessels, from the deck to the truck, was literally covered with gay bunting. From our lookout, we counted over seventy flags in the town, comprising Hawaiian, American, English, French, Russian, Italian, Dutch, Hamburg, Bremen, Hanovarian, Oldenburg, Chilian, Peruvian and others.

Owing to the recent death and burial of the Princess Royal, the usual demonstration was omitted, and the day was celebrated in a more quiet way, and doubtless every Man, woman and child enjoyed it full as well as last year, when so much display was made. Numerous picnics were held in the valleys and outskirts of the city, which were well attended and heartily enjoyed by all. At noon, a national salute was fired. As usual horse riding was the principal feature of the afternoon’s enjoyment, which was freely indulged in by all classes.

In the evening and impromptu dance took place at Concert Hall on Nuuanu street, at which were present His Ex. Mr. Burlingame and lady, His Ex. Gen. Van Valkenburg, His Ex. Dr. M’Bride, and many ladies and gentlemen. The Hall was very tastefully decorated, considering the short notice given. Dancing commenced at half past eight, and was kept up without cessation till 12, when the guests repaired to the supper table, laden with the choicest of Honolulu productions. After supper dancing renewed, and continued till half past one.

During the evening fireworks and rockets were exhibited in various parts of the town, and at times kept the sky fairly illuminated with their red, white and blue glare.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Fourth, 1866 at Rose Ranch, Makee Plantation at Ulupalakua, Maui

“The Fourth” at Rose Ranch
Source: Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu
July 14, 1866

The celebration of this anniversary on the Makee Plantation at Ulupalakua came off in magnificent style. At midnight a salute of twenty-one guns was fired which made the welkin ring for miles around with patriotic echoes, and reminded the slumberers of the of the plantation that the “Glorious Fourth” had returned, and that their assistance in the celebration was required. The call was responded to by male residents of the ranch, who immediately arose and went on a serenading expedition assisted occasionally with choruses from the stentorian voices of the plantation hands, mostly Hawaiians, who enjoyed the celebration of the day as much as others, and seemed just as good Americans so long as festivity was in the programme. The day dawned beautifully beneath a clear blue Italian sky-such skies as the fortunate dwellers on the “House of the Sun” often witness-and not a cloud spotted the heavens, making the day in that high altitude (two thousand feet above the sea) a most delightful one.

At sunrise the bright stars and broad stripes of America were run up to the head of the lofty flagstaff, accompanied with a national sunrise salute mingled with loud hurras for the “Fourth of July,” and Ulupalakua Plantation, whikch were reechoed by every man, woman and child within the precincts of Ulupalakua. At 10 A.M., some three hundred natives belonging to the district paraded through its entire length on horseback-some dressed in red shirts, others in blue and white. In forming the procession the red shirts came first, white next and blue closing up the rear-making a cavalry company of red, white and blue, suitably for the occasion. After parading about two hours they proceeded to an extensive lanai, which had been erected for the occasion, and under which was spread a grand luau, given to the workmen by the worthy proprietor of the plantation. As they sat around the festive board the noon salute was fired, which was responded to by cheers from the “gallant boys” who enjoyed themselves most heartily for two hours, after which they indulged in horse racing, &c., for the rest of the day.

At 2 P.M., a dinner party took place at Capt. Makee’s residence, where were present the Consult of Russia and lady, the Sheriff, Postmaster, Marshall and Collector of Maui together with many ladies and gentlemen resident on the island, besides some few from Honolulu who, upon invitation, went up by the streamer of July 2d. More guests would have represented our metropolis had it not been for quarter day and court week, which unfortunately interfered. Toasts were offered and responded to by several, the dinner closing with the following toast: “The ladies-our ministering angels; may innocence and love ever be their portion.”

The festivities of the day closed with a salute which was fired at sunset, the echoes of which from the craggy summit of the mountain had hardly died out when the preparation of the evening display commenced by setting off from a platform, erected for the purpose, a large and varied assortment of fireworks. For nearly two hours the broad canopy of heaven was most brilliantly illuminated by the resplendent flashings of rockets, Roman candles, blue lights, bengolas, serpents, &c., which were traversing the heavens in all directions with every possible movement, rendering the sight a most beautiful one.

In the evening a FANCY DRESS BALL took place and the rooms were very tastefully decorated with evergreens, flags, &c. At ten o’clock dancing commenced, and the fancy costumes added much to the gaiety of the evening. “Brother Jonathan” and the “Goddess of Liberty,” it is said, made quite a stir, to say nothing of the “Maid of the Mist,” and pretty flower and peasant girls who mingled with the rest and made themselves agreeable. Dancing was kept up merrily till one o’clock, when the company repaired to the supper table which was bountifully supplied with all the sweets and delicacies of the season. After supper dancing was resumed and kept up till “the wee sma’ hour ayont the twall.”

“Of all that did chance ‘twere a long tale to tell,
Of the dances, and dresses, and wim was the belle;
Bust each were so happy, and all were so fair,
The night stole away, and the dawn caught them there.”

We are unable to report at length, owing to want of space in our columns, but will close by saying that the guests of Capt. Makee will never forget the pleasant Fourth of July they passed on his Plantation, or the generous hospitality of the worthy host and hostess.

The Fourth of July, 1863: Maui (Pacific Commercial Advertiser)

How and Where I passed the “Fourth”
(Correspondent of the P.C. Advertiser)
Pacific Commercial Advertiser: Thursday, July 16, 1863

It was gratifying to one who has witnessed the decline of trade in our little seaport towns, to take an occasional tour through the country proper, to mark the growing importance of the interior of Hawaii nei. It would seem that some mighty enchanter, some Genii of the land, new risen from the sleep of ages, had extended his magic wand over mountain and valley, stream and plain, calling back to life the soul of enterprise, long dead. Where but yesterday, all was bare and barren –where, in the checkered soil, nothing but the foot prints of the industry of the former generations was visible –the plow and harrow have been run; and in many places we find the old land marks obliterated, and the earth covered as with a green mantle.

To-day, with an agreeable company of ladies and gentlemen, I had the pleasure of riding over the lands of Waikapu and Waihee. Many were the green fields we passed. Cane rows, lofty and low, were rejoicing in the sun; and one could not help rejoicing with them, while something seemed to say, as they nodded to the distant sea, “This is the salutation that an infant Agriculture is now offering to Commerce.”

But it was the Fourth of July, the glorious Fourth!  and when, from afar, we caught sight of the Star Spangled Banner waving over the Torbert Plantation at Waihee, high in the air, and broad and beautiful, the sight was so unexpected and so agreeable that for a time everything else was forgotten –even SUGAR; and the company were soon filled with as much patriotism as our horses could well carry.

This evening we paid a visit to the Waikapu Plantation, having received from Messrs. Louzada & Cornwell, its worthy proprietors, an invitation to attend an exhibition of fireworks at their place. Here we found quite a large company of ladies and gentlemen assembled from Wailuku and the immediate neighborhood, besides a host of natives who at an early hour had congregated en masse, to see “the sights.” The necessary preparations had been made upon the lawn in front of the house. The night was favorably dark, and at 8 o’clock the exhibition commenced. It occupied about one hour, during which time there was a constant succession of cracks, pops, bangs, and whizzes. Everything, from the fire-fly cracker to the comet-tailed rocket, was visible. The ladies enjoyed the fun exceedingly, taking an active part throughout, and never was vestal virgin more intent upon preserving the “sacred fire,” and making night luminous with Roman candles, blue lights, etc.

To most of the natives it was a “new thing,” and judging from the number of saucer-eyed faces exhibited upon the occasion, it was to them a wonder that will not be soon forgotten.

After the fire works were done, the company went in to refreshments; which were succeeded by national airs upon the piano. While we were expressing our thanks for the evening’s entertainment, so delightful to all, and were about to depart, the moon, that had waited the while, like a lady, as she is, rose up from behind the summit of Haleakala, and insisted upon seeing the company home.

                                                                                                                        A RAMBLER
In the Saddle, Maui, July 6th, 1863

Honolulu 1863: The Friend Reports

The Fourth of July.
Source: The Friend. Honolulu, July 1863.  
Published by Rev. Samuel C. Damon.

“The 4th.”
“All men are born free and equal,” so declared the Signers of the American Declaration of Independence, eighty-seven years ago. Washington and his compatriots vindicated and established this great truth during the Revolutionary War, with reference to the Anglo-Saxons, or white races, scattered over North America. Unfortunately, the negro, or black race, was not included among those to whom this principle was applied, that, “all men are born free and equal.”

The time has now come when the negro race must be admitted into the enjoyment of the same rights as the white man. This we honestly believe to be the decree of Heaven, notwithstanding Jeff Davis and his fellow rebels declare that negro-chattel slavery is, and shall be, the cornerstone of the Southern Confederacy.

Here lies the grand secret of this fearful struggle. Some writers may throw dust in the eyes of the people and the reading public, by declaring that this is not the cause of the war, but facts speak, in language not to be misunderstood.

We are glad that Americans in Honolulu are disposed to observe the day, and we hope, in the midst of their festivities, they will remember their countrymen who are struggling to maintain the flag of the Union.

Agreeable to a programme, which we have seen, the following Order of Exercises will be observed at the Fort Street Church, at 10 o’clock, A.M.

Voluntary                        By the Choir.
Prayer                              By Rev. S.C. Damon.
National Ode                   “America.”
Oration                            Rev. E. Corwin.
National Ode                   “Hail Columbia.”
Benediction                     Rev. R. Anderson, D.D.

Picnic at Oahu College.
-Raising of United States Flag
-Singing, “Star-Spangled Banner.”
-Reading, “Declaration of Independence.”
-Singing, “Charleston Ode.”
-Impromptu, “Flag of our Union.”

Honolulu 1863: The Pacific Commercial Advertiser Report

The Fourth of July.
Source: Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu, Thursday, July 9, 1863.  

If Honolulu has become renowned for any one thing more than another, it is for the enthusiastic manner in which the anniversary of American Independence has always been kept here. It is observed as a holiday not simply by Americans, but citizens of every country and nation join in with a cordiality which seems to say that it is not alone the anniversary of American Liberty but of universal freedom. Away back in the misty past, forty or fifty years ago, ere newspapers and reporters had elbowed themselves into Hawaiian civilization, the day was honored and kept as no other day was. And the fact which we record of the day here, is equally true of almost every other country in the world. In China, Japan, India, Sydney and Melbourne, in Chile and Peru, and even in the European Commercial centers, the 4th of July has become a great day. Last year, London and Liverpool are said to have given the appearance of American ports from the immense number of flags and ensigns displayed afloat and ashore on the 4th of July; predominant among all which was the American, in honor of which nation the day was kept. Dinner parties, with toasts and speeches, were held there, too.

But to return to our own city. As announced in the programme, at sunrise there was a salute of 13 guns-indicating the original number of the formation of the United States. At 10 o’clock, a large and appreciative audience assembled at the Forth Street Church, which had been tastefully decorated with flags. Above the pulpit were displayed the Hawaiian and British, while a new and gorgeous silk American flag was spread over the pulpit desk. The exercises opened with a voluntary and singing. The choir consisted of thirteen young ladies and a number of gentlemen, and the national ode of “America” was beautifully sung by them. We copy the first verse:

My country, ‘tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing;
Land where my father’s died,
Land of the pilgrim’s pride,
From every mountain side
Let freedom ring!

The Rev. S.C. Damon followed in a prayer full of earnestness, which found a response in every breast. Rev. E. Corwin then delivered an oration which occupied some thirty minutes in its delivery. It was intensely interesting, and met with frequent and enthusiastic applause. We have not heard a dissenting voice from the opinion that the oration was one of the finest delivered before a Honolulu audience. It was the topic of the day. We understand it will be publicized in pamphlet form.  It was followed by the national ode of

Hail Columbia.
Hail Columbia, happy land,
Hail, ye heroes, heav’n born band,
Who fought and bled in freedom’s cause,
Who fought and bled in freedom’s cause,
And when the storm of war was gone,
Enjoyed the peace your valor won!
Let Independence be our boast,
Ever mindful what it cost,
Ever grateful for the prize
Let its altar reach the skies.
Firm, united let us be.
Rallying round our Liberty?
As a band of brothers joined,
Peace and safety we shall find, &c., &c.

The exercises closed with a benediction by the Rev. Rufus Anderson, D.D., of Boston. Among those present we noticed all the Judges of our court, their Honors E.H. Allen, G.M. Robertson, J. Ii and R.G. Davis. Every foreign representative, we believe, was also present, including Messrs. M’Bride, Synge, Varigny, Von Holt, Heuck, Stapenhorst, Pfluger, Caldwell, Cartwright, Waterman, Shaefer, Wicke and others.

There were numerous festive gatherings during the after part of the day, several of the most prominent of which we will notice.

Picnic at Punahou College
This was under the direction of the committee of thirteen, of whom Dr. R.W. Wood was chairman, and was the only gathering open to ladies and children. After the proceedings at the Church had closed, the road to Punahou appeared alive with vehicles, and owing to the liberal provision of the committee, ample conveyances were had for all who wished to ride. About 1 1/2 o’clock, a magnificent American flag was hoisted on a pole erected for it on the College grounds, the choir and assembled multitude singing the soul-stirring ode of

The Star-Spangled Banner
O say can you see by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;
O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave,
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

The Declaration of Independence was next read by A.B. Bates, Esq., who introduced it with some very timely remarks on the circumstances that led to its promulgation in 1776.

No more appropriate spot could have been chosen than the College, the ample grounds around it affording an abundance of room for visitors, their horses and carriages. Under the directions of the committee of arrangements, a large tent had been erected in front of the College, beneath which were spread three long tables, loaded with as tempting a repast and choice variety as was ever seen on such occasions. About 2 o’clock, the ladies were invited to sit down to the entertainment, which was presided over by Judge Allen, (in the absence of Dr. Wood, who did not arrive until later in the day) His Honor opened the feast with some very appropriate remarks, delivered in that happy, self-possessed style characteristic of him, and alluded most touchingly to the sufferings and the struggle now in progress in America. He was followed by Dr. Anderson, Rev. Mr. Damon, Mr. M’Bride, and several other gentlemen. The exercises were interspersed with singing of various odes, among them Vive L’America, sung by Miss Ellen Armstrong, was not the least charming. The best of feeling prevailed throughout, and nothing occurred to mar or dampen the festivities. Estimating by the seats, there were between six and eight hundred persons present and so liberal had been the contributions from visitors and the provision made by the committee, that the tables at the close of the dinner appeared amply sufficient to supply as many more as had partaken. The thanks of the guests were due to Pres. And Mrs. Mills for their exertions on the occasion, which added much to the pleasure of those present.

Luau at Moanalua.
This feast, which was given by Jas. I. Dowsett, Esq., was attended by about eighty gentlemen from Honolulu, comprising Americans, Germans, English and others. Like everything undertaken by Mr. Dowsett, the luau was well done, and if we may judge from the encomiums that have flowed from the lips of his guests, a better feast was no where given on that day, and none more relished or enjoyed. Toasts and speeches were made, some of which we would like to report in full had we space. After the dinner was ended, the company engaged in shooting wild turkeys, the lucky marksmen being entitled to their game. Some twenty birds were killed.

The way that Mr. Dushalsky, the Pole who presides over the tannery, made the “peacemaker” ring its national salute of 35 guns to the “Union as it is and shall be,” would have been a caution to the Cossacks who are trampling down the rights and liberties of his countrymen in Poland, who are now engaged in a struggle for national independence.

The fact that seventy or eighty mechanics of different nationalities, assembled at a fourth of July celebration, and passed the day in pleasant social festivity, without a case of intoxication, dispute or accident of any kind, speaks well for Honolulu and for them. We question whether any other city can show a like gathering with a like result.

Other Entertainments
At Mr. Love’s, in Nuuanu Street, a sumptuous dinner was spread for some twenty foreigners and about as many natives. No where did we see more handsomely provided tables than these, the decorations were neat and appropriate, and the pastries, dessert and cakes were elegant, and were enjoyed by a gusto seldom witnessed. What was most singular about it was the fact that all the foreigners were Englishmen, keeping “the fourth” in true Christmas style.

At the American Hospital, a fine dinner was given by T.T. Dougherty, Esq., at which about 60 guests, including the inmates of the institution, sat down. The arrangements were most admirably carried out by the steward, Mr. Merritt, who appeared to be the right man in the right place. The Hospital buildings were ornamented with evergreens, beautifully festooned. The tables were liberally and generously “loaded” with roast pigs, turkeys, and other “fixings.” The Stars and Stripes floated no where on fourth, over a more cheerful or patriotic company than that which gathered around the tables of the American Hospital.

At Kalia, Mr. Naone’s residence, towards Waikiki, we had the pleasure of dropping in on a crowd of several hundred natives enjoying a feast, where a well-trained choir discoursed several pretty songs in Hawaiian.

At Waikiki and also at Ewa were other smaller parties, where the day was spent in festive gatherings more retired than those we have referred to.

Incidents of the Day.
At 12 o’clock noon a salute of 35 guns was fired, and at sunset another of 13 guns was fired.

In the evening, fireworks were displayed in various parts of the town, before Dr. Hoffman’s in Nuuanu Street, at Mr. Carter’s in Emma Place, and at Mr. Foster’s in Fort Street.

A very large number of flags were observed flying in town during the day, most conspicuous among which was the splendid royal standard from the Palace flagstaff. During the day the streets appeared unusually quiet for a holiday, and until the return of natives from their rural feasts, there was not much horse riding.

There has never been a “4th of July” kept here with so general satisfaction in all classes as the last. We have yet to hear of the first complaint, accident, drunk or other mishap, on that day, which is more than can be said of any that preceded it.

During the day and evening a large number of our residents of all nations, called on the American Minister, Mr. McBride. An autograph book, which we observed open, must have contained the names of at least two hundred visitors.

At Lahaina, Waikapu and Ulupalakua the fourth was observed as a holiday, and in the evening at each of those places, there was a fine display of fireworks.