Wednesday, October 31, 2012

1926 Honolulu Advertiser Editorial

The Fourth of July In Honolulu
Source: Honolulu Advertiser. Honolulu: July 5, 1926. Editorial page.

America's greatest holiday is taken for granted in mainland communities. It comes and goes with the regularity of the seasons, just one Fourth of July after another. There are the picnic, the celebrations, the parades and the firecrackers. There are patriotic addresses, double-header baseball games and the firemen's ball.

The people always welcome the day. It is different from any other day in the year. To observe it is automatic. To not observe it is unthinkable.

In Honolulu, although an American territory, the situation is slightly different. Everything in the way of a celebration is not so automatic. We have the firecrackers and the picnics and the ball games, of course -also the patriotic addresses, and hereafter the firemen's ball. All these things have to be planned and worked out by communities-but that's as it should be.

Hence, the day becomes a red letter day as well as a holiday. It is fraught with something big that many nationalities here are only beginning to understand. A younger generation is arriving, and this generation more thoroughly appreciates the American viewpoint. We, in Honolulu, are not like our citizens on the mainland, in that they have resided all their lives in a strictly American atmosphere, whereas out here the American atmosphere necessarily had to be brought forward.

But the day is arriving when Hawaii will know no other rue, no other ideals, no other outlook, than the American version. That fact will be forcefully emphasized-in the great pageant that will wend its way along the streets. The mileposts in American and Hawaiian history will be depicted through the medium of floats. Such a celebration will be educational, as well as full of color and beauty.

Therefore, we doubt if any mainland city will overshadow Honolulu this year in enthusiasm, in detail and genuine patriotic fervor in its Fourth of July observance. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

1875: The Centennial in 1876

The Centennial in 1876
Source: Pacific Commercial Advertiser: Honolulu. Saturday. August 7, 1875

The American Centennial celebration and exhibition in Philadelphia next year, will afford us a great opportunity which we must not neglect. Our islands have become better known, and more and more popularized in America, owing to the auspicious visit of His Majesty. The American people are in a kindly expectant mood towards us, hoping good things of little Hawaii; and so when the nationals are gathered together to make a display of their skill and taste, and natural wealth in the great industrial palace in Fairmount Park, we must fill a place with our best, and in a way worthy of the expectations of our great continental friends.

We hear of some preparations of geologic specimens, woods and ferns, and of packages of staple productions. But this is not enough. We should send a full illustration of the capabilities of our fertile soil. Besides the products, the quality of the soil itself should be systematically displayed. And then an illustration of the surface of our Archipelago would be of the greatest interest and value. We do not mean mere map, but a raised models of the islands. We have the skill and the material for such a work, and we only need an application of funds designed to assist in the proper presentation of our Archipelago, and its products at the great centennial celebration, to get up the model.

Fathermore we should fully illustrate the character and abundance of our heritage and pasture, so unusual in a tropical climate. A full display of our fibrous plants, and of the lint and fibre they produce would awaken a great interest. Our ancient coral masses that lie inland of our shores are deserving of attention; as also our chalk and other mineral deposits. Our forest trees will of course not be overlooked, which abound in valuable barks, leaves, and roots, as well as furniture woods; and also there are the shells, mosses, lichens, lcyhopods and hepasticoe to add beauty and interest to the whole display. 

Our native appreciation of art ought to be displayed by our skillful native band, which could in 1776 make musical echoes around the old State House in Chesnut street, and then would remind the thinkers there present that at the time that a great branch of the English family was springing into independent national life, there was a great and enterprising Englishman about to make known unto the world in Pacific waters the savage sires of these tuneful band boys.

We trust this national work of collection and arrangement is in the hands of those qualified by inclination, taste and opportunity to mask it a labor of love; and that interesting little Hawaii, who will be hailed with favor from America, will be gloriously illustrated at the great American centennial exhibition in 1876.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

1865: The Fourth Honolulu (The Friend)

The Fourth
Source: The Friend. Honolulu: August 1, 1865 front page

Our neighbors, the Advertiser and Gazette, reported most fully the proceedings of the Fourth of July. The American portion of the foreign community made most generous provision for the due observance of the day. Never was the day observed upon so extensive and expensive a style on the Sandwich Islands. A general invitation was issued for all foreigners to occupy a seat at the amply supplied tables.

The Rev. Dr. Gulick was orator of the day, and a most eloquent oration was delivered by him. It has been published, together with several other appropriate addresses, in reply to the usual sentiments on such occasions. In the oration of Dr. Gulick there was one thought that merits repetition, until Brother Jonathan and all other members of Uncle Sam's large family, at home and abroad, shall act in accordance with the suggestion:

" Brother Jonathan may and must now give over the swaggering of his younger years. He is no longer an untried youth. He is a man and a Power on this earth. Let him put his hat squarely on his head, and walk like a man among men. He need not bully anybody, but he may calmly insist on fair play."

1865: The Coming “4th” in Honolulu (The Friend)

The Coming “4th” in Honolulu
Source: The Friend. Honolulu: July 1, 1865 front page

American citizens are making unusual preparations for celebrating the coming "4th" Nearly $2,000 has been subscribed to defray expenses. The Rev. Dr. Gulick has been invited to deliver the oration. Tables will be provided for 400 guests. The committee of arrangements, we understand, will extend a general invitation to all foreign residents to participate in the festivities of the occasion.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

1865: Monsieur de Tocqueville’s Fourth of July Speech in Paris

Monsieur de Tocqueville’s Fourth of July Speech in Paris
Source: The Friend. Honolulu: July, 1865, page 56.

A number of years ago, says a writer in the Democratic Age, happening to be in Paris on the 4th of July, with many other Americans, we agreed to celebrate “the day” by a dinner at the Hotel Meurice. There were seventy-two of us in all. We had but one guest. This was M. de Tocqueville, who had then rendered himself famous by his great work upon Democracy in America. During the festivities in the evening, after the cloth had been removed, and speechifying had commenced, some gentleman alluded en passant to the fact that he was born in Connecticut. 

“Connect-de-coot,” exclaimed Monsieur de Tocqueville, as he suddenly rose with the enthusiasm of a Frenchman. "Vy messieurs, I vill tell you, vid the permission of de Presidante of this festival, yon very leetal story, and then I vill give you yon grand sentiment, to dat little State you call Con-nect-de-coot. Yon day yen I was in de gallery of the House of Representatif, I held one map of the Confederation in my hand. Dere was yon leetle yellow spot dat dey call Connect-de-coot. 1 found by the Constitution, he was entitled to six of his boys to represent him on dat floor. But ven I make de acquaintance persone/fe with dc member, I find dat more than tirty of the Representation dat floor was born in Connect-de-coot. And then yen I was in the gallery of the House of the Senat, I find de Constitution permit Connect-de-coot to send two of his boys to represent him in dat Legislature. But once more ven I make de acquaintance personelle of the Senator, I find nine of de Senator was born in Connect-de-coot. So den, gentlemen, I have made my leetle speech; now I vill give you my grand sentiment:

"Connect-de-coot, the leetle yellow spot dat make dc clock-peddler, de school-master, and de senator. De first give you time ; the second tell you what you do with him ; and dc sird make your law and your civilization, — and then as he was resuming his seat amidst roars of laughter, he rose again, and with that peculiar gesticulation which characterizes all Frenchmen in moments of excitement, he shook his finger tremulously over the assembled confreres, and exclaimed to the top of his voice,' Ah! gentlemen, dat leetle yellow State you call Connect-de-coot is one very great miracle to me."

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

1865: The Fourth in North Kohala (Big Island, Hawaii)

The Fourth in North Kohala
Source: Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu: July 15, 1865

MR. EDITOR: -As it may be of interest for your valuable paper, I send you the following description of how we kept the Fourth in North Kohala:

Preparations being made for the celebration of the Eighty-ninth Anniversary of America’s Independence in a manner becoming the number of United States citizens here, the dangling form of an effigy of that arch-traitor, Jeff Davis, was discovered at dawn, and the rising sun was welcomed by a salute of thirteen guns and the hoisting of a beautiful American flag-the first that this district has seen- made by the patriotic ladies of the place, to whom Kohala owes much for the first Fourth of July celebration.

The natives employed on the place were granted a holiday, and, after completing the decorations of a lanai, which was built for the expected feast, donned their best apparel- many of them having a tasty uniform-and engaged in sports or watched the arrival of their many visitors. Jeff, as he hung from his gibbet, was a source of curiosity to them till four o’clock, when, after being used to good purpose as a target for rifle-shooting, he was taken down for a while and carried around by the natives, first in hand, then on a pole, and finally on horseback, to the great amusement of all.

At two o’clock the luau of the day was announced as ready, to which the foreigners of the Plantation and invited guests sat down, numbering about thirty-five, and of natives over five hundred, after which the national Hawaiian propensity for horse-riding was carried out.

At sunset there was another salute given, and at half-past seven commenced the display of fireworks, which lasted an hour, consisting of rockets, wheels, mines, Union candles, and Bengolas, with the usual deafening amount of crackers. During the exhibition, Jeff met with the fate he deserved, by being set on fire. As he dropped into the flames beneath him, cheer on cheer was given that was echoed back by the hills. Thus passed as grand a celebration of the Fourth as ever was held on the Islands, outside of the metropolis; and, during the whole, the best feeling pervaded, and the day closed without an accident to mar its pleasures.

1865: The Fourth of July Meeting on June 24, Honolulu

The Fourth of July Meeting
Source: Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu: June 24, 1865 3rd page

FOURTH OF JULY MEETING. –In accordance with the notice in last week’s paper, the American citizens assembled in the new Hall, on Saturday evening last. Before the meeting was called to order, the company sang, “John Brown’s soul is marching on;” after which the Hon. J. McBride, Minister Resident, was called to the chair, and his Secretary of Legation, A.D. Cartwright, Esq., was appointed secretary. After some discussion, a committee of eight was appointed to take the whole matter of celebration into their hands, with power to add to their number if they so chose, the only direction given them was to have the celebration somewhat after the style of the one last year. A subscription list was then started, and some $900 was promised by those present, which has since increased to nearly $2,000. After the meeting closed, the “Star Spangled Banner,” and “Rally around the Flag,” were sung, with three cheers for the Union and three more for Gen. Grant. The Committee’s programme appears in today’s paper.*

Thursday, October 11, 2012

1870: Anniversary of American Independence, Honolulu

Anniversary of American Independence
Source: Pacific Commercial Advertiser: Honolulu. Saturday, July 9, 1870

A characteristic feature of life in Honolulu has always been the observance of the Fourth of July. As far back as the memory of the oldest inhabitant can refer, it was observed with the same patriotic enthusiasm as has been shown in more recent times. Some years ago, we published an interesting account given to us by the venerable Captain Adams, of the first public celebration of the fourth of July, which took place in 1814- fifty-six years ago, and under the auspices of KAMEHAMEHA FIRST. It included a feast, which was given on or near the premises now occupied by Sheridan Peck, Esq., on Beretanian Street, and is said to have been witnessed by over ten thousand people. From that day to this, and under the reign of five of the Kamehemehas, it has been each year observed with more or less public demonstration.

Captain Adams, we may remark in passing, is still living. We called on him a few days ago, and found him enjoying comfortable health for an old man. He is now 90 yars of age, only four less than that of the American Republic! Though his sight has failed, he still retains the active memory and speech which he has always had, and appears to delight in narrating events of the olden time.

The fourth occurred this year on Monday, and was as pleasant a day as could be desired. Salutes were fired from the head of Emma street a sunrise and sunset. At 12 o’clock, the American Minister Resident received the officers of the Hawaiian Government, the diplomatic corps, and citizens generally, and entertained them at a bountiful collation, spread under the shady trees which ornament the grounds of the Legation. The following toasts were given on the occasion:
1-    The President of the United States.
2-    King Kamehameha V.
3-    The memory of Washington-first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.

At half past 1 o’clock, the American Consul and his lady received the visits of their friends, which included ladies as well as gentlemen. This is a new feature of national anniversary receptions, and a very special innovation on the old-established custom, which restricts visits to the male sex. There is every reason why it should become a permanent custom, and it will surely be a most popular one is established. About 2 o’clock, in response to a call from his guests for a toast of something else, the Consul addressed them in the following remarks:


FRIENDS AND FELLOW-CITIZENS: -This spontaneous meeting is an evidence that you feel as I do, that on this day Americans should meet together to celebrate another anniversary of the Independence of that great nation, the name of which calls up so many cherished remembrances of loved homes and about friends of a country endeared to us by a thousand tender ties and patriotic recollections, and to many of us made doubly dear by her recent baptism in blood-from which I thank God, our own America has emerged with her garments purified as is the cloth of asbestos after having passed through the fiery furnace.

It is moot that we should thus assemble on the baptismal day of our motherland to offer up our tribute of thanks to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for the blessings which our country has so long enjoyed, to refresh our memories with the history of the struggles of that noble band of heroes who, under the leadership of the immortal Washington, fought for the great principles of the universal brotherhood of man, for that vital truth that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and in defense of the inalienable right of man to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Ninety-four years ago this day our patriot sires gave to the world that immortal declaration, based on the self evident truths which I have just quoted, and proclaimed the advent of a nation. In defense of these principles our fathers pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. Three millions of people stood forth as the sponsors of the infant republic and baptized it in the rivers of their best blood. I have called this the baptismal day of the Republic-and such it is in truth. It was the tardy announcement that the child, born on the 5th of September, 1774, was henceforth to be known as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, for it was on that 5th of September, by the delegates of the good people of the colonies, at Philadelphia, in Continental Congress assembled, that the Union was virtually formed.

Then it was that the gifted Patrick Henry gave a distinctive name to the people of the nation just entering into existence. He said, “oppression has effaced the boundaries of the several colonies: the distinction between Virginians, Pennsylvanians, New Yorkers and New Englanders are no more. I am not a Virginian but an American.” It was soon apparent that the mother country would not recede from the position she had assumed with regard to the colonies, although we now know that many of the wisest statesmen were in favor of acceding to the just demands of the American people. The signs of the impending crisis were unmistakable and the people commenced to prepare for conflict. In march, 1775, the clarion voice of the patriot Patrick Henry again sounded forth resistance to tyranny, in words that will live as long as the noble language in which they were uttered.

“There is no retreat but in submission and slavery. Our chains are forged! Their clankings may be heard on the plains of Boston. The next breeze that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms… I know not what course others may take; but as for me-give me liberty, or give me death!” In the following month came the news of the massacre at Lexington and the battle at Concord bridge. In may of the following year the second Continental Congress assembled at Philadelphia and took measures to carry on the war.

In June the battle of Bunker hill was fought, in which the loss of the patriots was 449 to 1,054 on the side of the enemy. The various engagements of the year inspired the colonists with confidence, and greatly increased their desire for independence. On the 4th of July, 1776, the representatives of the people gave a tongue to that desire by the announcement that “these united colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States.”

The preparation of the Declaration of Independence had been entrusted to a committee, of which Thos. Jefferson was chairman, and, when it was adopted on that day by the unanimous vote of the Continental Congress, then assembled at the State House in Philadelphia, the glad tidings were heralded forth by the pealings of that sacred bell on which, by some mysterious Providence, had been cast the prophetic words, “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.” Of the long years of bitter warfare, of privation and sacrifice, which followed until at length the mother country acknowledged our Independence, I do not now propose to give you a detailed account. It is well for us, however, to frequently refresh our recollections with some of the incidents of that eventful struggle, and to strengthen ourselves in our efforts in behalf of right by contemplating the sacrifices which our fathers made for a grand principle.

As a boy, I have frequently wandered over the hills of Valley Forge, on which were encamped the army of Washington, during that memorable winter of 1777-78, one of the darkest periods of our nation’s history, and have listened with eager interest to the touching recital of the trials of that heroic band. Standing on a bank, once a part of the principle redoubt of that entrenched camp, my imagination has again peopled those fields and chesnut groves with that ragged collection of barefooted men whose bloody tracks in the snow attested their devotion to the cause of freedom, and whose sufferings caused our sensitive French-American-the noble Lafayette- to shed tears of sympathy.

Their rude huts and miserable canvas tents appeared to be before me. I seemed to see the barefooted sentinels pacing their rounds on the frozen crust of the snow and the Father of his Country- his great heart filled with anguish for the sufferings of his faithful soldiers-moving amongst them exhorting to constancy, or seated in the council room of that unpretentious house which served as his head quarters, devising, with the aid of his faithful lieutenants, the measures which were to lead to victory.

I charge you to impress upon your own minds and on the minds of your children, a deep sense of what we and they and humanity at large owe to those heroic men. The success of the principles underlying that revolution was as a gospel and a revelation to all mankind. It was the breaking up of that old idol worship which taught that sovereigns govern by divine right, and that the will of the people is not to be considered. Not to keep up old feelings of animosity toward that great race from which we sprung would I teach our children to remember the sufferings of that winter camp at Valley Forge, or the blood shed on the fields of Monmouth, of Trenton, of Brandywine, Yorktown, and a hundred others, but to impress their minds with the great truth that he who struggles for the success of a righteous principle has not labored in vain. In the stirring words of one of our choicest ports:

“Who braves the battle wins the bride;
Who dies the death for truth shall be
Alive in love eternally;
For never yet beneath the sun
Was battle by the devil won;
For what to thee defeat may be,
Time makes a glorious victory.”

That the lessons of constancy, self-sacrifice and all the qualities which go to make up the most exalted patriotism, taught us by the revolutionary fathers, have not been lost, we have had recently most abundant proofs.

That perfect wisdom is not the attribute of any man or body of men we know full well. Our fathers laid down their arms when a virtual recognition was given to the great truths they had proclaimed, trusting that the lapse of a few years and the fixing of a period, at which should end one of the evils introduced under the reign of the parent government- would eradicate the one blot upon our escutcheon- the one sore of the body politic.

We have been forced to again learn the lesson that there can be no safety in compromising with sin. How well the nation has shown that it was sound at heart-although into some of its members crept the insidious poison infused by the demon slavery- let the bloody fields of Gettysburg and the Wilderness and a hundred others attest. Forever dear to our memories will be the names of Grant, Sherman, Thomas Sheridan, and of all the other noble leaders of our victorious legions, who faced the leaden hail to defend the eternal principles of right on which our national existence is founded.

Not less sacred to all true Americans will be the sweet memories of the nameless hosts who perished on countless bloody fields to preserve the beautiful structure reared by patriot hands and cemented by their blood:

“On Fame’s eternal camping-ground
Their silent tents are spread;
And glory guards with solemn round
The bivosac of the dead.
Rest on, embalmed and sainted dead!
Dear as the blood ye gave!
No impious footstep here shall tread
The herbage of your grave;
Nor shall your glory be forgot
While Fame her record keeps
Or Honor points the hallowed spot,
Where Valor proudly sleeps.”

While we drop a reverent tear to their memory, we may also rejoice that they have not died in vain.

Perhaps they did not all realize the importance of the cause for which they contended, but never in the history of the world did contending armies meet in the chock of battle, where the importance of the results to be achieved was so well understood, or devotion to the cause so much the result of a deep conviction of duty, as in the case of the men who fought for the preservation of that glorious Union whose corner stone is inscribed with the words, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created free and equal and endowed with certain inalienable rights, amongst which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

A brave Christian soldier, who fought through all the late terrible struggle, told me that when marching to the conflict he frequently repeated these inspiring words from the “Battle Hymn of the Republic”

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was borne across the sea,
With a glory on his visage that transfigures you and me;
As he died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,
                                                            His truth is marching on.

That His truth is marching on we cannot doubt. The proclamation of the sainted Lincoln –so reverently recognized by the dusky victims of oppression as the second father of his Country, Father Abraham- has been nobly ratified by the seals of our brothers, stamped with the hilts of their sabers, and enforced by their blades. We have added to our confirmation by attaching to the Constitution the Fifteenth Amendment, and now who shall gainsay us when we proudly boast that ours is “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”  Well then may we rejoice on this festal day of the Republic.

In the eye of history it is but a little while since we were but three millions of people, now forty millions claim the proud name of American citizens. But a few years ago- in fact within the memory of some of us- the United States were virtually enclosed between the Alleghanies and the Atlantic. I remember, when a child, of hearing of our neighbors immigrating to the back woods of ___ . Now a band of sister states, united under one firm government, stretch in unbroken line from the great ocean on the east to the great ocean on the west, bound together by bands of iron and cords of toughened wire.

But a few years since the enemies of freedom said that our form of government was an experiment, that it was being weighed in the balance and would be found wanting in the elements of vitality and strength. Now throughout the civilized world the oppressed gather courage and inspiration from the proofs we have given them of the capacity of man for self government. Constitutional governments are everywhere becoming the rule, the rights of the people are constantly being enlarged, the elective franchises widened, and serfdom and slavery are rapidly hastening to extinction.

Steam and electric telegraph are dissipating those foolish antipathies between nations and races which were of old so carefully cherished, and the schoolmaster is abroad educating the people into a better acquaintance with themselves and their fellows.

A larger and more comprehensive statesmanship is taking the place of the old fashioned diplomacy. Americans may well point with pride to the honorable course pursued by our own Seward in the delicate questions with which he had to deal, and also t the not less wise and just policy of the present administration.

We have abundantly proven to the world our ability to cope, if necessary, with any power, however great, and can therefore well afford to be magnanimous and to show our faith in the right by acting towards other governments if we think they should, under similar circumstances, act toward us.

I think that the instinctive love of justice of the people of one great nation and the nice sense of honor which is the boast of another, will lead, in both cases, to a satisfactory solution of any questions now pending between us and them.

I trust that the day is far distant when we shall be engaged in any struggle, either with foreign nations or between different portions of our own people, other than a friendly rivalry as to which shall excel in those things that tend to make mankind wise and happy.

Our future is in our own hands, if we are true to the principles bequeathed to us by our patriot sires, it will be a glorious one. The vast extent of our territory, which stretches from the frozen regions of the north to the milder latitudes where winter is nknown, the great range of its productions, embracing the most valuable articles of commerce; its untold mineral wealth, manufacturing advantages, “rivers that move in majesty and the complaining brooks that make the meadows green,” its noble bays and secure harbors, make it second, in natural resources, to no other country in the world. But to wise  and far-seeing statesmen these are not all that are required to make a great nation.

I have traveled over the fertile plains of the valleys of the Mississippi, the Missouri and the Ohio, where if the husbandman tickles the bosom of the earth with a spade it laughs with a harvest, through the inexhaustible deposits of coal of my native Pennsylvania, where black diamonds spread riches over the mountain and through the valleys of that noble State. I have stood at night by the side of the streams of molten iron, flowing in rivulets of wealth from the furnaces, but until I saw but little more than a year ago, bleak barren New England, I never fully realized what it was that constituted the true wealth of a nation:

“What constitutes a State?
Not high raised battlements and labored mound,
Thick walls or moated gates,
Not cities proud with spires and turrets crowned,
Not bays and broad armed ports,
Where laughing at the storm rich navies ride.
No; men, high minded men,
Men who their duties know,
But know their rights, and knowing dare maintain.”

I heard recently an anecdote of a stranger, traveling for the first time through New England, who, struck by the general appearance of sterility in the soil and at the same time by the signs of prosperity in the homes of the people, asked a boy what they produced on this barren land, where, as he was told, they shot the corn into the ground with a musket and sharpened the noses of the sheep that they might feed among the rocks. The boy said that it was true that it was a poor country for corn, but they used the rocks for building churches and school houses, in which they cultivated a good crop of men.

Let us then, being stimulated by what we have seen of the good results of such a crop, foster carefully our educational institutions, and impress on the minds of our children the great truth that “Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any great people.” So shall we go conquering by the might of truth, and our posterity shall rise up and call us blessed.


Notice having been given on the previous Saturday that there would be a picnic at 3 o’clock P.M., at the residence of Mrs. Paty, in Nuuanu valley, thrither could be seen wending their way flocks of gaily-dressed children, and carriages filled with older people. The Honolulu brass band reached the grounds soon after three, and was met at the gate by the children, marching in twos. The procession, headed by the band, returned to the grove playing national airs, and continued some ten or fifteen minutes marching and counter-marching, till they surrounded the tables, which were loaded with cakes, sandwiches, cookies, candies, fruits and lemonade, in great abundance. After the lunch was over, the juveniles forms into line again, headed by the band, and marches to the verandah of the cottage, where they listened to an extract or two from the Declaration of Independence, read by His Honor Judge Hartwell. His Ex., the American Minister then addressed them in a few words, when three cheers were given for President Grant, and three more for King Kamehameha V. Here the band struck up the national air, “God save the King;” after which Rev. Mr. McCully made some very appropriate remarks to the children. It was near sunset before the juveniles could be induced to leave the pleasant grove, which for several hours had resounded with their merry shouts, with music and fire crackers, and which had been made still more attractive with a liberal display of flags and evergreens.

There must have been at least three hundred persons present, half of whom were children; and it is surprising what an amount of enjoyment to old as well as young can be compressed into three short hours, and with so little outlay of money judiciously expended. The ladies who assisted, with contributions or otherwise, will accept the thanks of the juveniles and others.

Besides this, there were other picnics, at Waikiki, Waialae, Kalihi, Ewa, and in the valleys near the city; and though there was no general public celebration, the fourth of July, 1870, will be remembered as a pleasant incident in our life in the tropics.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

1838: Sandwich Island Gazette

Fourth of July: Honolulu
Sandwich Island Gazette: Saturday, July 7, 1838

Since our last the gayety of Honolulu has been most prodigious! The anniversary of the Fourth of July has been celebrated by the community with most exhilarating enthusiasm. Although the Fourth is peculiarly an American day, yet the participation in the amusements of the occasion was so general, and so hearty, that no one could have had a cause to doubt that a great terrestrial jubilee had dawned. Even the kanakas, -(poor fellows, -they know little, by experience, of the sweets of liberty!) –even the kanakas frisked and capered with delight at the sounds of the merry-making.

There was no public demonstration or rejoicing in the shape of an oration or dinner, as is usual in America, but the Hawaiian ensign at the Fort, the British and American flags from the shipping, and the American flag hoisted by some jolly chaps at Reynold’s wharf, gave sufficient proof that the almanacks of “all bands” agreed in dates. At morning, noon, and evening, salutes were fired from four guns planted on the wharf. The dust of Honolulu’s half finished streets had no rest from morning till evening. Parties on horseback, and in carriages were rushing to and fro in all directions. Picnics in the vallies, and along the sea shore, seemed among the most popular amusements out of town, while the less locomotive epicurians were content with turtle soup and roast beef in town.

The long-tailed Chinese servants, the malo-be girded kanaka runners, and the prim sable visaged stewards, were seen darting about at an early hour with bottle baskets, trenchers, and wheel barrows, “seeking” not “whom,” but what, not themselves in their masters, “might devour.” Now a chinese with a dish of sandwiches, -(not Sandwich Islanders, for cannibalism is not fashionable at Oahu) –then a breathless native with a pole across his shoulder, trotting to the vibrations of a basket of champagne at one end, and a dozen of Hodson’s at the other. Now a turkey crackling for the spit secure in the grasp of the digits of some noted cook, whose other hand squeezed the knuckle of an inverted leg of mutton, then a bundle of taro-tops, garnished with an expired pigling and a defeathered turkey, approximating towards a heap of hot stones –i.e., a future state of luau-ism.

We went down to Waialai to bathe in the refreshing sea water, to devour the fin of a baked fish, with half-a-finger-full of that horrid poi! To sip a teaspoon or two of small beer, with the least imaginable drop of “anchor-brand.” Our printer, went, we don’t know where, but somewhere out of town to enjoy refreshing breezes, to forget the smell of ink, and, perchance, to discuss a bit of dry-toast and a tooth-pick. Our devil-yes! Our very devil went also, to assist in the consumption of forty fat watermelons, under a tamarind tree in the cheering society of five or six brother devils. The only living thing of whose disinclination to participate in the festivities of the day we have gained a knowledge, was a little half-weaned Newfoundland puppy, belonging to us, who seeming to prefer quiet to noise, was shut up in our straw hut in continuity with a quart of new milk and seven slices of cold corned beef. At sundown, retiring home, the bowl, and plate, were empty, and puppy whined a salute of twenty-five approving squeals. Dancing capped the day.

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Fourth: Sandwich Islands News, 1848

The Fourth
Sandwich Islands News: Thursday, July 6, 1848

THE FOURTH. –The fourth of July has come and gone, and with it went many a bottle of liquor, and many a patriots’ dollar. Yes! The “Fourth of July” –the anniversary of the independence of Yankee-doodle-dum-has made his seventy-ninth appearance, his face begrimed with seventy-eight years use of powder, and his nose dyed with seventy-eight years’ imbibing of the ardent. This eventful day entered upon its duties with all the dignity becoming its station in the calendar, and all seemed disposed to render due its honors. Jonathan, John Bull, Johnny Crapeau, Sawney, Pat-Mister, Monsieur, Mynbeer, Senor-English, French, Irish, Scotch, Dutch, Spaniards, Portuguese, and last of all, Hawaiians –all had their fingers in the patriotic pie, and each vied with the other in bellowing forth his patriotism, and drinking the health of the great Republic of Yankee-doodle-dum. Numberless were the loyal bumpers drank on that day, and countless were the bottles that suffered. –Bruised noses and black eyes attested the devoted patriotism of their owners. In fact, the day passed off as such a day usually does, with a mixture of patriotism and liquor, singing and shouting, eating and drinking, pleasuring and fighting.

It is gratifying to our national feeling and vanity to see all of the foreign residents, without distinction of Country, engage in the celebration of this day; but we must confess that we do not like to see them actuated to it merely by the spirit of wine. We believe there were one or two parties who spent the day in rational amusements in a manner highly credible to themselves, and more befitting the character of the anniversary. 

1860: Fourth of July on Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island

Fourth of July on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
Pacific Commercial Advertiser: August 2, 1860
(Correspondence of the Pacific Commercial Advertiser)

SOUTH KONA, July 10, 1860.
MR. EDITOR: - While millions of people, all over the habitable globe, have manifested their love of Liberty, Freedom and Independence, by celebrations, orations, bonfires, illuminations, feasts, dances, and a thousand other jubilees, a party of us, “took it into our heads and hearts,” to celebrate the glorious Fourth on the top of Mauna Kea, the highest mountain on Hawaii.

We did so. The party consisted of Messrs. Cumings, Travis, hall, Barrett, Sherwood and Mott. Our attendants were, “Jo-ey,” the cook, a Celestial, who, by the by, was the most useful ‘ombre’ of the party-and a quarter of a score of kanakas, who took charge of the pack-animals, supplies, baggage, &c.

We started our animals a day in advance of us, and overtook them near the eastern base of Mount Hualalai. One of our party shot at a wild goose while at the spring near the new lava flow, making the feathers so beautifully, but, unfortunately for our craving stomachs, and, fortunately for the poor goose, the body accompanied the feathers. We crossed the recent flow on horseback. It was attended with no little danger, as deep and yawning cracks were to be met every few feet. We encamped on the “climpers” the first night out, some two miles north of the new flow. Near this spot a company of natives, who were in our rear, lost a fine pack-animal. The poor beats made a misstep, tumbled down the rocks into a deep ravine, baggage, poi and all! The poor thing survived the shock but a few moments. It weas soon disrobed of its hide, and a favorite steak brought into camp, which Jo-ey served up to the full satisfaction of the party.

The next evening found us encamped on the western declivity of Mauna Kea, and early on the following morning, three of our party and myself went in pursuit of wild hogs. Our route was a winding N.E. ascent of the mountain. After going about two miles our dog bayed about twenty hogs. I killed one of the finest of the lot, half of which was as much as two natives could carry at once to our camp. We saw several wild cattle, but too far off for our guns.

From the north flank of the mountain, we had a beautiful view of Waimea and the country far around. The following morning we packed our animals and journeyed around the southern declivity of the mountain; climbing up peaks, going in and out of extinct craters; clambering over the rolling and rough “climpers,” until, after some six hours’ travel, we reached the plain of the south. Here we pitched our tent, and from this point on the following day, a portion of our party succeeded in reaching the summit of the highest peak of Mauna Kea.

On the previous afternoon we went again in pursuit of wild hogs, which we found very plentiful, and killed a boar, said by the party, to be the largest they ever saw. One of his tusks, measured seven inches in length! Soon after, we succeeded in hitting and wounding another, which furiously gave chase to one of the party, who shouting at the top of his voice for help, made tracks at a “2.40” pace, for a neighboring tree, but before reaching his place of refuge the poor “grunter” abandoned the chase and took to his heels in an opposite direction.

We found water very scarce. Deep and dry ravines were formed in the mountain sides, leading to the plain at its base. Boulders or oval shaped rocks, many of them weighing twenty or thirty tons, have been washed down the mountain side, and are scattered in every direction on the plain below.

But four of the party attempted to ascent the mountain; and to make sure of his ascent, one of them selected a fresh jack. Poor jack concluded Mauna Kea was “a hard road to travel” for the purpose only of celebrating “The Fourth,” and hence, he concluded to “Play possom” before we had got three miles up the ascent. In the deepest humility he prostrated himself, as much as to say, “I am your humble servant, but pray don’t attempt to force me to the top of this mountain.” Could the poor ass, like Balsam’s, have spoken, he would, no doubt, have used similar language and for similar reasons. But the beast was mum, and neither by stripes, lashes, kicks, threats or coaxings, could he be made to budge one inch further. Our friend, after addressing a short but animated oration to him for his indisposition, returned with much chagrin to the camp.

The limit of vegetation, we found to be about four miles below the summit. Travelers can ride to the very summit of the highest peak, but the animals are generally left, as were ours, about a mile below. Situated at the base of several high peaks, is what we took to be a lake, said to have been seen by former visitors. It is now ‘dried up.” On reaching the summit of the highest peak, to our astonishment, we found a human skeleton, and the carcase of an ox! Do you, Mr. Editor, or any of the readers of your paper, know anything of the history of the person whose bones now lie bleached on the top of Mauna Kea? Or has any traveler to this mountain been missed? The spot where the skeleton lies is 14,000 feet above the level of the ocean.

It was with great difficulty, we could breathe at this height. Our voices seemed to have a dull, hollow, unnatural sound, and it required much effort to converse. There seemed to be a heavy outward pressure in the head, attended with giddiness and nausea, not unlike sea-sickness. What was more remarkable, in attempting to give a “national salute,” we were unable to fire a pistol or make a cap explode, even after repeated trials. I left the same caps upon my revolver, and, on reaching the encampment at the base of the mountain, and trying them, every one exploded and discharged the pistol! Here is a question for Punahou students, Why would not the caps explode on the top of the mountain?

No animal or vegetable life, not even a fly, was to be seen, for some distance below the summit. In every direction, except south of the summit of Mauna Loa, the vast ocean expanse loomed up before us. From this point we could count one hundred and thirty extinct craters! The trees and mounds in the valley, dwindled into miniature shrubs and ant-hills. Summer clouds, mingled with streaks of thick fog, hung in patches, here and there, over the plains, far beneath us. The ocean, the multitude of craters, the bright sun and the blue ethereal vault over head, mingled with fog, the miniature plains below us, through which meandered rivers of black lava, and the death scene at our feet, -all presented a picture, truly sublime, awful, and grand!

It was a glorious privilege to stand on this lofty pinnacle on our country’s anniversary. It was worth a voyage around the world, to stand here and to do honor to “The day we celebrate.” As with uncovered heads, we gave our “toasts” to the “Memory of the Father of His Country,” “who was first in peace, first in war, and first in the hearts of his countrymen,” we were not forgetful of our own Sovereign, under whose beneficent sway we were permitted to live.

After taking a brief survey of Nature’s sternest works around us, we hastily made our descent, and reached our camp in safety, at 5 o’clock P.M. The following day we rode to the eastward about ten miles, for the purpose of shooting geese, which are generally abundant there. Here a heavy rain and a thick fog over took us. In the morning, the fog not clearing away, we returned to our original encamping ground, having met with nothing but chagrin in our “wild good chase.” One of our party, on our return, however, fortunately killed a wild bull, which, when served up by Jo-ey –compensated in a measure for our night’s lodging in the rain. On leaving for home, the first night, we slept in a large cave among the climpers, and the second, we encamped on the southwest side of the new lava flow, where we found an abundance of good water. Some of the party crossed the new lava flow on foot, and found several places where the lava is yet molten. A beefsteak might be roasted there in a few minutes. This, however, does not compare with the mass of lava, 500 feet thick, thrown out from the volcano Jorullo, in Mexico, in 1759, which was found smoking, by Humbolt, forty-five years after the eruption.

On riding along the plateau between Mauna Loa and Hualalai, we noticed a large spider, some thirty feet in the air, traveling in an ascending easterly direction. We could see his web or cable glisten in the sun for several feet, both in front and behind him. Here is another puzzle for Punahou students. What were the propelling powers of this spider, there being no wind at the time; and how was his “cable” stretched so high, there being no trees or other high objects on which to suspend it, within several miles? We arrived safely at Kona, after an absence of ten days, with appetites greatly improved, and physical powers sensibly strengthened.