Thursday, August 16, 2012

1866: The Fourth of July at Hanalei, Kauai

The Fourth of July at Hanalei
Source: Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu, Saturday, July 14, 1866.  

That portion of the citizens of Kauai who reside on the Princeville Plantation and in the vicinity of Hanalei, celebrated the Fourth in a manner worthy of the occasion, as the following graphic description will verify:

Ninetieth Anniversary of American Independence
HANALEI, (Kauai), July 5, 1866.

Editor Commercial Advertiser: -I communicate to you the pleasing fact that our little community did their utmost yesterday to commemorate the Natal day of American’s Independence. The ample store-house of the Princeville Plantation had been placed at the disposal of the Committee of Arrangements, by Mr. J.S. Low, and every facility was afforded, by both foreigners and natives, that could in the least conduce to the success of the celebration. We cannot refrain here from giving the names of those who composed the energetic and patriotic Committee: They were: Capt. Hatfield, of the schooner Prince; Mr. J.W. Markle, planter; Captain White, Collector of the Port of Hanalei and District Postmaster; Capt. J. Morse, rice planter; and a numerous corps of volunteer assistants. I must say that the energy displayed by these gentlemen resulted in one of the most creditable patriotic reunions I ever assisted in. But before I proceed to describe the celebration proper, let me show you how, at Princeville,

The Fourth was Ushered in.
It was my good fortune to be a guest at the plantation mansion, and to witness as picturesque a scene of Hawaiian compliment to the Birthday of our Republic as could well be imagined. As the last vibration of the midnight bell proclaimed the presence of the jubilant day, the sound of fife and drum broke on the silent air. “Hail Columbia,” coupled with the firing of guns, the sharp, loud crack of powder-charged anvil, and the glad cheers of hilarious voices. On came the music, and our hearts beat quicker as we beheld, borne in front of a band of Hawaiians, the glorious banner of the free. They formed a half circle –standard in centre- at the entrance of the house, and did honor to the new-born day with a series of well-executed American airs. Need I tell you that “Marching through Georgia,” with all its intrepid vim, and “Tramp, tramp, tramp!” with all its enlivening hope, were included in the pieces of the extemporized band? And, as the drum roulade to the hearty cheers of we of the balcony expired, we were greeted with another surprise. The anvillers with “Vulcan’s stithy,” all ablaze, arrived upon the scene. These, amid the glare of furnace and the flash of powder, let their “cyclops’ hammers fall,” as if the Fourth were made of “proof eternal;” whilst the lurid light reflecting on the faces of the native band and us, produced a quaint but unique picture of beaming, patriotic joy and satisfaction blithe. Thirty-nine rounds were fired for all the States (including the good measure for Colorado –non ad.); thirty-nice rounds of cheers, (with irreplaceable “tiger!”) were lustily vociferated; and thirty-nine toasts for the Union were heartily swallowed-before any sleep was had in the house that night. But daylight brought the most wearied votary of Morpheus to his (and her) feet, and we saw

The Fourth by Daylight
I shall bring your readers at once from Princeville to the store-house at Hanalei, and speak to them of the decorations, accommodations and the good cheer on the sideboards. As I said before the inside of the spacious building was gracefully adorned with evergreens. The Committee, with the tasteful assistance of James Robinson, jr., had really succeeded in combining art with nature, and setting off the interior of the establishment with the refreshing picturesqueness of a bower in verdure clad. The Hawaiian and the American flags tacked together, floated in front of the Chairman’s stand. Here and there, appropriately placed and intermingled were such flags as could be gathered. On either side of the store-house, long tables bending beneath an ample weight of provender- a sumptuous board it was indeed, and varied withal, -and at the extreme end a steward’s counter strewed with delicious viands- argued the capacity of Hanalei to do things comme il faut, whist rosy cheeks and buoyant forms which filled the intervening seats, gave assurance that “good digestion” would “wait on appetite, and health on both.” The front of the storehouse was stuccoed with wreaths and from the flagstaff floated a multiple of banners, surmounted by the American ensign. At two o’clock the invited guests and all who desired to participate, had arrived, and mr. John S. Low, President of the Day, announced that

The Celebration
Would commence with prayer. An eloquent appeal to the Divine Throne for the protection of our country, her future prosperity and greatness, and an acknowledgment for the blessings of the past, was offered up by the Rev. Mr. Johnson.

The “Declaration of Independence” was then read I a clear and well-toned voice by Capt. Johnson, late of the United States Army.

The Oration
An oration was then pronounced by Mr. James J. Ayers, which was handsomely received and frequently applauded. I cannot refrain from giving you the introductory passage, as it will show you at once the delicacy and taste with which this gentleman introduced himself to a strange and foreign audience. I quote from his notes:

“I hesitantly accepted the honor your Committee have conferred on me to address you today. I consider the first duty a man owes, on an occasion like this, is to fully acknowledge the hospitalities of the country in which he sojourns-to strictly conform to its laws, and to feel grateful for its protection and its shelter. Indeed, such would be the recognition due to the host who shares his home with you-and how much more should such recognition be vouchsafed to the nation which admits you to her shores, welcomes you to the protection of her laws and the enjoyment of her domains, and permits you to avail yourself of her resources. In this spirit, I offer my sincerest hoes for the prosperity of the Hawaiian Government, and condole with the people of these islands in their recent severe bereavements. I do this not only from the motive of natural feeling, but from the more enlarged consciousness that the chiefs of a nation are the surest arms of defence from without, and the safest guides to the people who look up to them from within. Thus, with the most disinterested wish for the prosperity of the Hawaiian race, I cannot, both as a philosopher and a philanthropist, but desire that their leaders may perpetuate their patriarchal lines.”

You will, I hope, agree with me, Mr. Editor, that the sentiments enunciated above are distinguished by an exalted liberality of thought and a nice sensitivity of the relations which should subsist between man and man-and men and nations. I would ne happy to give you the entire oration, were it not that it might be too great an encroachment on the space of your valuable columns. But I can assure you, if the manner in which the audience received it, be a proper criterion of its merit, it was an effort well worthy of the occasion.

When Mr. Ayers had concluded, the President of the Day announced that a recess of a few minutes, would be had for the purpose of arranging seats at the tables.

The Dinner
One hundred and fifty ladies and gentlemen, in round numbers, were accommodated at the two tables; and when all had been seated, the President called upon the Rev. Mr. Johnson who delivered grace. The edibles were discussed by appetites sharped, doubtless by the exercise of long rides and early breakfasts. But as there must be an end even to an appetite, however vigorous, the next order of the day was at length reached, namely,

The Toasts
I shall give these in as condensed a form as possible, as follows:

1st-His Majesty, Kamehameha Fifth. Responded to by Mr. Ayers.
2nd-The President of the United States. Responded to by Mr. Neva (in Hawaiian, and interpreted by President Low).
3rd- Queen Victoria. Responded to by Capt. A. White.
4th-To the Memory of Winfield Scott, the veteran soldier of America; and to R.C. Wyllie, the Hawaiian statesman and patriot. (Drank standing and in silence)
5th-The Day we Celebrate. Responded to by Mr. J.S. Low. [This was, indeed, one of the most humorous, entertaining and effective efforts of the occasion. I shall not anticipate the pleasure which your readers may derive from its perusal, by attempting to synoptize it. Suffice it to say that Mr. Low adopted the Yankee dialect throughout, and that, too, with a pungency and appropriateness that set “the table on a roar.” It was full of piquant hits and characteristic illustrations, -commencing in a high vein of good nature which was fully sustained to the end. If I had a copy of this most excellent piece of post-prandial humor, I should send it you; but of course Mr. Low’s friends are not so selfish as ot keep so good a thing all to themselves.]

A few volunteer toasts were given, and the company rose and dispersed.

In the Evening
The room was lit up and the floor cleared for a ball. Some fifty couples assembled, and the band, enlarged by the accession of a good cornet-a-piston, gave terpsichorean sentiment to flying feet. Polkas, quadrilles, schottisches, reels and hilts brought to a pause one of the most pleasing days I ever passed.

I have been thus elaborate, Mr. Editor, in my description of “Fourth of July” at Hanalei, for the reason that we are not a numerous people, and that I believe the successful exertions made by us, and the good effect and social feeling produced by our reunion, will exemplify the fact that no community however small, -if they really revere the land of Washington and the day that gave birth to Freedom’s Empire, can fall to exercise a beneficial influence in their immediate circle by properly celebrating the Natal day of America’s Independence.


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