Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fourth of July: 1880 Honolulu

Fourth of July: 1880
Source: Pacific Commercial Advertiser: Honolulu. July 10, 1880

On Saturday last, Independence Day was duly honored in Honolulu. The first indication of this happy event was a peal of guns at early morn. The next attraction was at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. The Band occupied the orchestra, and precisely at 10 o’clock they struck up the American anthem, followed by several appropriate selections. The “Declaration of Independence” was admirably read by Mr. Jas. B. Castle. The Hon. W.M. Gibson made an eloquent and impressive speech, in the course of which he said:

In his patriotic oration he presented a glowing panorama of youthful reminiscences in America, from the maple woodlands of Vermont to the Cypress glades of Louisiana; and then dwelt with fervor upon the scenes of the matured man’s enterprise and ambition in the great cities; in Imperial New York, in intellectual Boston, in tasteful Philadelphia, in the Baltimore of beauties, in cosmopolitan Washington, in the great prairie storehouses, Chicago and Cincinnati, and in the entrepots of the great river, New Orleans and St. Louis. “How shall I speak,” he said, “of the wealth, and power, and achievement of the country that we celebrate, on its political natal day! Our America is now gathering in the nations –over 300,000 souls go to seek voluntarily new homes within her borders in one year. Or say, that about six little nations like ours are added by immigration alone, to the great Republic within twelve months-surely such an empire that gathers in a little state at every course of the moon cannot be supposed to allow a moment’s thought of covetousness towards our petty realm.

No, America, the great land of freedom seekers will only care that little Hawaii shall be allowed to work out her own destiny in peace. America first recognized the independence of this Kingdom in 1842, which fact is set forth in the dispatches of those two distinguished Americans, Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun, addressed to our Hawaiian commissioners, Richards and Haalilio.

And America will not at any time go back on her proven course of favor towards us, even if it may be proven that little Hawaii is a gainer by great America’s munificence. I have confidence in the continued good will of American statesman, and American people. We are to them the constant object of special kindly traditions. The strides that the great Republic has made in progress will only serve to inspire her with more generous ideas. The nation of three millions which won the independence that we now celebrate, could only practice generosity, now that she is a state of about fifty million of souls, in her dealings with a state of about fifty thousand.

What successes for America in a hundred years! What glory she adds to the English speaking races. How nobly she has sustained her great charter of Liberty! I will not speak here of American politics, nor touch upon the great contest for government which agitates our great home land; but this I will say, that despite the mutual incriminations of presidential canvasses, the republic has never once failed to elect a statesman and a gentleman.

Then spread out. O, English speaking America! Be one in mutual interests with the great Dominion that stretches from the pole to the great lakes! Go anglicize in peace and good will the Halls of the Montezumas! Carry not only railroads but common schools to the lands of the Incas; and stretch forth, O, American spirit of enlightenment and freedom over the Pacific Ocean, and invade Asia with conquests of commerce and manufactures.

And whilst we celebrate Independence day let us associate it with another day that has become dear to the American heart. Passion divided American people for a while, and strove to sunder the ancient bonds; but Decoration Day has brought them together again closer than ever. I witnessed a little while ago, at the National cemetery at Arlington, brave survivors of both sides of a sad conflict, alternately place the commemorative wreaths of affection upon the last resting places of the “blue and the grey.”

And shall not we Americans of the islands emulate the spirit that animates our great country? Shall we not banish all bitterness? Shall we cherish antagonism, and hug hate to our hearts? Shall we not rather present an illustration of America’s noble union? And unite in good will to maintain in these Islands the honor and good name of our great country,

“There’s freedom at thy gates, and rest
For earth’s down trodden, and opprest,
A shelter for the hunted head!
For the starved labor, toil and bread,
Power at thy bounds,
Stops, and calls back his baffled hounds.

O!  fair young mother on thy brow
Shall sit a nobler grace than now
Deep in the brightness of thy skies,
The thronging years in glory rise,
            And, as they fleet,
Drop strength and riches at thy feet.”

Mr. Harnden followed with the national song of the “Star-Spangled Banner.” Ex. Governor Wells, of Virginia, then spoke as follows:

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN-Coming to these hospitable shores only a few weeks since, a perfect stranger, he never anticipated being the recipient of such hospitality as began at his arrival and followed him to this moment. He thought it particularly gratifying to be called upon this Anniversary of his country’s birth in this foreign but friendly land to salute the flag to which he owed allegiance. A hundred years ago we had not 5,000,000 of people, and we are now at least 50,000,000 and living in peace. It was impossible that 5,000,000 of people could long remain under the dominion of England, and Great Britain long ago learned that the revolution was necessary, and also that she had the glory of founding an English speaking people, great, honored and useful as our great Country now is. The great truth of immortal independence were not invented in America, but were proclaimed, fought for, and triumphed first in Great Britain, and it was in English history and literature that our forefathers learned them, and if they triumphed and spread from shore to shore and from people to people it is England’s glory and our glory in common and alike. Between America and England, the two great English speaking nations, there can, thank God, be no bitterings, no strife, no war, but only noble ambition, and heroic rivalry in spreading our arts, our civilization and our longer and better liberties to all the world. Thank Heaven that the chasm that existed in our country has been finally settled, and if its settlement cost the lives of half a millions, it was too much.

Speaking of the relations between this country and America, he said, it is only about sixty years since American piety and Christian humanity gave this people its first missionaries and teachers in morals, religion and education. A noble band of heroes who did their glorious work so well, that t-day there is no State in the United States where education is more general, or where the proportion of persons who cannot read is so small as in this Kingdom of Hawaii. Thank you for the honor you have conferred upon me, let us pray and hope that in the time to come the bonds of unity and friendship now existing will now become for firm, and that both nations, America and Hawaii, we be as brothers in peace, unity and harmony.

At the close of Governor Wells speech, Mr. Rodgers addressed the assembly and stated that the American Minister would be unable to do the usual honors of receiving his fellow citizens on that day. The assemblage wended their way about noon from the Hotel grounds, and after lunch, many found their way to Kapiolani Park. It was universally admitted to be a “Glorious Fourth” and the arrangements for amusement and diversion were good.

Friday, September 21, 2012

1854: July 4, Honolulu

Celebration of the Fourth of July.
Source: The Friend. Honolulu: July 6, 1854

The Anniversary of the birth-day of the independence of the United States of America was celebrated by the American citizens, residing in Honolulu, upon a more extended scale, and with greater public demonstration than on any former occasion. The long cherished and deeply felt love for their native land burst forth in a manner highly gratifying to their national pride.

Our renders will obtain an idea of the public exercises from the following programme. We are most happy to record the fact that order, sobriety and propriety characterised the proceedings. The most interesting feature of the procession was the car containing thirty-two young misses, dressed in white and wearing wreaths of flowers upon their heads. Each one wore a scarf, inscribed with the name of the State which she represented. As there are but 31 States, it was a novel but quite appropriate idea that the District of Columbia should be represented

The eloquent oration of the Hon. D. L. Gregg occupied a full hour in the delivery, but there was no indication of weariness on the part of the audience. The enthusiastic applauses which frequently interrupted the orator showed that his patriotic and American sentiments found a cordial response in tin- hearts of the large audience The literary merit of the oration were of a high order. The orator, most opportunely, made n clear and eloquent exposition of the great and leading principles of the Government of the United States, showing most conclusively that the policy of the general government towards the individual States and territories, was admirably adapted to develop the resources of the country, elevate tin- people, and promote the highest welfare of the individual citizen and the nation at large. The oration was decidedly well timed, well written, and well delivered.

We would furnish our readers a more extended notice of the oration, but a copy was requested for publication in both the English and Hawaiian languages.

The other parts of the exercises were sustained in a highly gratifying manner. The original ode needs no laudatory remarks. The sentiments and the beauty of their versification are evidence that those lines must have emanated from an American patriot and poet. Too much praise cannot he bestowed upon Mrs. Fiddes, (an English lady), whose musical talent enabled her to compose an original tune, suited to the difficult metre in which the ode was written. In singing. Mrs. F. was assisted by Mrs. Ford, Mrs. Coady. and Messrs. Fuller and Griswold. No part of the gratifying exercises called forth more enthusiastic applause. The very walls of the King's Chapel must have vibrated to the deafening shouts.

The Hon. B. F. Angell, U. S. Consul, presided on the occasion with much dignity. We arc exercising much self-denial in limiting our description of this celebration; hut our narrow space absolutely compels us to leave much for our readers to supply by the aid of their imaginations. The large Stone Church was tilled to overflowing with Americans, Frenchmen, Germans, Hawaiians, and the representatives of not less than a half score of other nations. It was a novel impressive, suggestive und animating scene, to witness such an immense gathered in the heart of the Pacific, to celebrate the birth-day of the National Independence of the United States of America.

For the

The National Salute will be fired at 12 o'clock, M., near the Armory of the First Hawaiian Guard.

Immediately after which the Procession will be formed, agreeable to the following Programme; and the Public generally are respectfully invited to attend, and participate in the Celebration.

The line will be formed on the makai side of Queen street, the right of the line resting on Fort street.

The Ceremonies of the Day will take place at the large STONE CHURCH, commencing at 1 o'clock. Seats will be reserved for Ladies.

By Rev. S.C. Damon

Read by S. REYNOLDS, Esq.

(Written by K. Pillet, Esq.) By the Choir.

There’s gloom upon the brows of Fate; -her mantle, half unfurrl’d,
Reveals the war-blade flashing o’er the mighty of the world,
But ‘mid the deep’ning shadows, -piercing through the cloud of war,-
There gleams the calm and spreading light of an immortal star,
Whose dawn makes glad our hearts to-day, as in the days of yore,
It cheered the hearts of struggling men, upon our own loved shore.

Proud empires arm in trembling, to ward the threatened blow;
The royal flags of Christendom are flutt'ring to and fro;
Yet ‘mid the shock of nations, —howsoe’er the die be cast, -
There's one fair flag that floats secure, above the coming blast.
It is our own brave banner, which, hallowed in their gore,
Was planted by our fathers on a blood-redeemed shore.

Wherever men may dwell in peace, -where’er a ship may ride,
That banner is unfurled today, -a thing of joy and pride.
The Spirit of the glorious Past comes smiling o’er the sea,
And sings her hymn of gladness at the hearthstone of the free.
The wand’rer’s heart is home again, -he pauses to adore
The Power that guards that distant home on Freedom’s chosen shore.

And we, awhile though severed from the land that gave us birth,
May wear at heart its brightest gem neath every clime of earth;
And roam we to the east or west, or yet from pole to pole,
No clime ca match the wealth enshrined within a freeman’s soul.
God grant to be well guarded, and cherished evermore!
Till time shall give an equal boon to bless each other shore.

MUSIC-By the Choir-The “Land of our Fathers.”

Immediately after the delivery of the Oration of the Day, there will be presented to MECHANIC ENGINE COMPANY, No. 2, on behalf of the Honolulu Merchants, a splendid Silver Speaking Trumpet. It has pleased the Chief Marshal to make the following appointments:
Aides dc Camp—A. .J. McDuffee, C. W. Vincent.
Deputy Marshals —D. N. Flitner, A. J. Cartwright, Capt. James Makee.

Aid                            CHIEF MARSHAL                         Aid
First Hawaiian Guard.
Officiating Clergyman.
Orator of the Day.
Reverend Clergy.
Military Officers of the Hawaiian Islands.
First Hawaiian Cavalry.
Civil Officers of the Hawaiian Islands.
Consuls and Representatives of Foreign Governments.
Heads of Departments.
Members of the House of Nobles and House of Representatives.
Fire Department.
Mechanic Engine Company, No. 2
Ty Pong Tong Engine Company.
Chief of Police.
Members of Police.
Judges of the Counts.
Members of the Bar.
Medical Faculty.
Captains and Shipmasters in Port.
Boats’ Crews.
Independent Engine Company Young America.
Representatives of States of the United States.
United States Citizens.
Foreign Citizens.
Hawaiian Citizens.
Marshal                                                                        Marshal

Forms on Queen St., marches down Queen to Nuuanu St., up Nuuanu to King St., up King to Fort St, up Fort to Beretania St., up Beretania to Richard St., down Richard to King St., up King St., to the Stone Church.

After the Ceremonies at the Church, the Procession will be dismissed.
Per Order,
R. A. S. WOOD, Chief Marshal.
A. J. McDUFFEE, Aid dc. Camp.

An appropriate introduction to the public celebration of the 4th of July, in Honolulu, was a presentation of a banner to the Young America Engine Club. The ceremony look place in Merchant street, opposite the store of Capt. Snow. The Company, marching to the strains of martial music, proceeded down King street to Nuuanu, hence down Nuuanu and up Merchant. A few moments after 10 o clock, A. M , the Company was drawn up in front of the building lately occupied by Mr. Stangenwald. Miss Fairbanks, to whom was assigned the honor of presenting the banner, appeared upon the piazza, holding the banner, which bears the following inscription:


On the reverse was The following:


The presentation was accompanied by tin following neat address by Miss. Fairbanks, and appropriate reply by Master H. A. Carter.


Though a stranger, by the partiality of my companions I have been selected to present you, in their name, this banner, as a slight testimonial of their regard for your association.

How novel the scene that surrounds us! Young America united with Young Hawaii in celebrating the 4th of July, in one of the little inlands of the Pacific Ocean! — Who feels that he is an exile to-day? Who realises that wide oceans and barren deserts separate us from the hallowed associations of home? Not one. Though absent from our native soil on this glorious day, we are but fulfilling the destiny of our race. Our Pilgrim Father made the deserts of America yield to their toils, and blossom as the rose, and their children came hither,
“The land in redeem from Error’s chains.”

This concourse of people bear evidence that their labors were not in vain. You are better representatives of your country abroad than her armed navies and fleets of stately clippers. They show her power and prove her wealth; but your mission, like that of your forefathers, is to educate a nation.
Take this banner as an evidence of our kind wishes; emulate the virtues of your forefathers; celebrate the 4th of July, -it will remind you of their trials, their sufferings and their triumphs, and may you always “be found where duty calls you.”


To you and your fair companions. Miss Nelly, would I, in behalf of the “Young America Club,” return thanks for the very elegant testimonial which we have now the honor to receive. It is needless for me to assure you that the gift is received with the most grateful emotion, for that bright eye of thine running along that line of joyous faces has discovered more than can find language adequate to express.
Your allusion to the celebration of American independence by Young Hawaii and Young America is pleasing to us. We feel that the alliance of to-day is an appropriate one, for our hearts are warmly interested in the welfare and progress of this Kingdom, without affecting in the least our true love of our own country, and it is no assumption for me to say that Young Hawaii takes a similar interest in the prosperity and condition of the United States, for from that country the Hawaiians received the light that brought them from their dark abode, and by that people they hay assisted to climb the ladder, until they reached the position they now hold, ranking on the platform with civilized nations. It in true that this day's celebration is a novel one for Honolulu. In years past the Americans have observed the day in festivals by themselves, but this year Young Hawaii holds up the banner with us, for she has been made aware of the stability and rank of American institutions; she has reaped benefits from the assistance rendered by the Americans, and she fully appreciates the blessings that she derives indirectly from the stand taken by our forefathers seventy eight years ago this day.

Although no ocean rolls between us and the spot where the Pilgrim Fathers first planted the banner of the free, we are at home and can commemorate the day with us much propriety as if we were in Philadelphia on the very spot where the Declaration of Independence was signed.

We feel that we are but fulfilling the destiny of our race in celebrating this day upon these shores, and although it can, this year, be called a novel scene-we intend to have it termed an appropriate one.
The rapid progress of the United States is the comment of all nations, and we are proud to notice that Americans are respected throughout the world. It is the manifest destiny of the United States to so conduct her government and institutions that she will before long rank as the strongest and most important nation of the Earth.

Much could be said concerning the respect felt for American institutions by foreign nations, but this is not the time or place, I will mention an anecdote of the celebrated British Admiral, whom we now hear of in the Baltic.

Sir Charles Napier, in a conversation with Mr. Hedinger, the American Minister at Copenhagen, after making many compliments to the Americans, says: “I begin to believe in the description which some one of your orators gave of the American Eagle when he said, ‘he sits on the top of the Alleghany, dips his beak in the Atlantic and his feathers in the Pacific, stretches one wing over Canada, the other over Mexico, and grasps the Continent in his claws.' "

We, a Americans, have much to be proud of, and it will be the aim of this association to teach Young Hawaii, so that she may enjoy the same pride and blessing.

We thank you for the kind wishes of the thirty-two young ladies who in the festivities of the day represent the American States, and can only say in return, may you all he made as happy as we with, and you will be blest indeed.

We accept with much pleasure the beautiful banner, and shall ever with grateful hearts remember the fair donors, and rest assured, “Where duty calls there you'll find us.”

The delivery of the address and reply was accompanied by frequent and loud bursts of applause, which Yankees are skilled in making on the “glorious 4th.” No sooner did the cheering cease, than the call was heard for remarks from Mr. Allen, H. H. M.’s Minister of Finance, He stepped from the crowd upon the sidewalk, and offered some peculiarly felicitous and appropriate remarks.

The assemby dispersed amid cheering, the band fanning the patriotic flume by playing Hail Columbia and Yankee Doodle.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

1845: The Friend. July 16

Celebration of the 4th of July, by American Citizens in Honolulu.        
Source: The Friend. Honolulu: July 16, 1845.

"When in the course of human events it becomes, the duty" of American citizens to emigrate to or visit foreign lands, they ever cherish in grateful remembrance, their country's birth-day. No matter how far they may roam over the land or sea, yet the annual recurrence of the fourth or July, awakens in their bosoms emotions pleasing and patriotic. "I have somewhere read," writes Addison, in the 135th No. of the Spectator, "of an eminent person who used in his private offices of devotion to give thanks to Heaven, that he was born a Frenchman. I look upon it as a peculiar blessing that I was born an Englishman." A Frenchman or an Englishmen may have occasion to give thanks for their national birthright, but a native born citizen of the United States ought not to fall behind either in cherishing an unfeigned love of his native land, or on a suitable occasion, such as the 4th of July affords, fail to give expression to his patriotic emotions. The birth-right privileges of an American citizen, at home or abroad, are second to none which it is in the power of any nation on earth to confer.

American residents at the Sandwich Islands have usually celebrated the 4th of July in some manner becoming the day, and in consonance with their own feelings. Here, as at home, different views have been entertained in regard to the most appropriate manner of observing the day. This year, at whose suggestion we have not been informed, it was proposed to have a temperance celebration. The right chord was now struck; it found a response in many hearts. We were absent at the time the movement was first made, but on our return to Honolulu, “the 4th of July " fever for a temperance celebration ran quite high. The following arrangement we learned had been made, to carry the proposed affair into execution. At a meeting of native Americans, there were appointed—

George Brown, Esq., President,                                                    
Wm. Hooper. Esq., 1st Vice President                                                            
C. Brewer, Esq., 2d “                                                                                       R.W.WOOD, M.D., 3d “
Messrs. H. Grimes, C. Brewer. E. C. Webster, D J. Perry, and William H. Warner, Committee of arrangements.
J. F. B. Marshall, Esq.. Toast Master.                                                              
F. W. Thompson, Esq. Caterer.
Messrs. H. Cheever, William Baker, and G. D. Gilman, Committee to provide a salute.

On the morning of the 4th, the good people of Honolulu were aroused from their slumbers by a salute of 18 guns, for the "Old thirteen Colonies." At 12 o'clock a gun was fired for each state now composing the Union.

The hour appointed for the company to assemble was 2 o'clock. The dinner was provided at the residence of the U. S. Consul. Mr. Hooper. A more convenient and pleasant location could not have been selected. The long table was spread under the clustering branches of a spacious grape vine, forming a beautiful arbor, to which was added an awning, so that awning, vine, and numerous shade trees together, formed a cool and pleasant retreat. At the upper extremity of the table, the U.S. ensign was displayed, exhibiting the American eagle surrounded by stars and stripes. The natural and artificial decorations rendered the whole scene one of rare beauty. Every thing combined to remind the guests, that though far away from their native land, yet they were within the precincts of refinement and civilization. As the company was assembling, the utmost good feeling seemed to prevail. Every person's mind was apparently filled with the one grand idea, "We are American citizens, and we have met to celebrate our nation's birth-day."

The table was handsomely provided with the choicest meats, vegetables and fruits, that the Honolulu market would afford. Cold water and lemonade happily took the place of every kind of intoxicating drink. Much credit is surely due to Mr. Thompson and the committee of arrangements, for the order, neatness and propriety that was every where apparent. It deserves to be mentioned, that among the fruits upon the table, were 19 peaches, furnished by Capt. Brewer, from a tree in Nuuanu valley, planted by Mr. H. Pierce, of Boston. So many were probably never before seen on a table at the Sandwich Islands.

Between sixty and seventy American ladies and gentlemen took their seats at the table. Mr. Brown, the U. States Commissioner, presided, assisted by Mr. Hooper, Capt. Brewer, and Dr. Wood, Vice Presidents. It was really a delightful spectacle to behold American missionaries and residents, gathered on the festive occasion to celebrate their country's birth-day, gathered, too, not within the limits of the "Old thirteen colonies," or the present ample domain of the great North American Republic, but on the far off shores of an isle in the Pacific, unknown to the civilized world when the "sons of freedom " hailed with rapture the Declaration of Independence.

The Rev. Samuel C. Damon was called upon to invoke a blessing upon the entertainment. While the several courses were successively brought forward, the Band played numerous "airs." It was not intended that the bond should perform their part until the time arrived for the regular toasts to be given, but play they would! They were told to wait, but it did no good; they did not seem to play for hire, but because it was the fourth of July! They showed an enthusiastic and patriotic feeling!
The Rev. Mr. Gulick returned thanks. Then followed the delivery of the regular toasts, by Mr Marshall, who spoke in a most clear, distinct and audible voice.

1st. THE DAY WE CELEBRATE. —The day when freemen rose in their might, and tyrants trembled on their thrones. Tune, " Yankee doodle."

“Though other fields may be as green,                                                          
And other skies as blue,                                                                               
And other faces fair be seen,                                                                           
And hearts be found as true;                                                                           
Oh be it ruled by mildest rule,                                                                        
Or swayed by lawless hand,                                                                         
With joy, with pride, whate'er betide,                                                        
We'll love our native land."                                                                                  
Tune, “Hail Coumbia.”

3d. THE MEMORY OF WASHINGTON.—It will be embalmed in the hearts of freemen, while time endures.
Tune, " Washington's March."

4th. THE HEROES OF THE REVOLUTION. May the sons never forfeit what the fathers bled for.
Tune, "Scots wha' hae."

5th. THE PRESIDENT OF THE U. S.—His official greatness consists in being the chief among the servants of a nation of freemen.
Tune, “Presidents March.”

6th. KAMEHAMEHA III, And The Land We Live In.—May prosperity be their portion.
Tune, “God save the King.”

7th. THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER.—May its bright stars ne'er be less effulgent, and its stripes, like those of the rainbow, prove a bow of promise, to all the oppressed.
Tune, “The Star Spangled Banner.”

8th. OUR FAIR COUNTRY-WOMEN.—Likethe mother of the Gracchi, when they are asked for their jewels, may they be able to point to their children.
Tune, “Home, sweet home.”
The foregoing were followed by numerous volunteers. Not having taken full notes on the occasion, it will be impossible lo insert the several sentiments, according to the order in which they were given. Some of them were introduced by appropriate remarks.

VOLUNTEER SENTIMENTS.                                                                    
By the President of the day,
The Patriot.—Whether his birth-place be the land of our forefathers, or the land of our sojourn:—

“The man that's resolute and just,                                                               
Firm to his principles and trust,                                                                    
Nor hopes nor fears can bend.”

Mr. Hooper, 1st Vice President, being called upon, observed that it was with feelings of no, ordinary gratification that he found himself in the presence of so large and so respectable a number of his countrymen, assembled literally under his own vine and fig tree, to commemorate the anniversary of the day on which the United States of America were declared free and independent. He observed that Americans had been called a wandering, restless people, ever on the move, and that if such was the case, and if in their migrations they carried with them the principle which was exhibited here to-day—THE TETOTAL PRINCIPLE, then he would say God speed them, they were the best missionaries that could so abroad. Mr. H. concluded his remarks by giving as a toast,


By the 2d Vice President.                                                                             
OUR NATIVE LAND.—In preference to all other lands,                                    
“We love thee still.”
By the 3d Vice President.                                                                             
THE PATRIOTS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, AND THE FAIR PARTNERS OF THEIR TOILS AND THEIR SUFFERINGS. —May their descendants guard with jealous care the rich inheritance bequeathed to them.

By a Lady,
THE KING OF THESE FAIR ISLES. —Long may he live and reign. To him our gratitude is due for the courtesy with which he receives us, strangers in his realm, and his generous assurance of protection to the extent of his power.                                                                                                                                           
“An Angel could no more.”

By a Lady,
Our Father Land.—May our affection for it never be less than on this day.
(*The table was spread under a grape wine and a fig tree was in bearing only a few feet from it.)

By Capt. Spring.
THE HAWAIIAN NATION.—May its officers be peace, and its exactors righteousness.

By Rev. L. Smith.
TEMPERANCE PRINCIPLES.—May they spread and prevail the world over.

By Rev. S. C. Damon.
THE AMERICAN BIBLE, MISSIONARY, AND OTHER BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES. —Noble fountains, which have sent their fertilizing streams over these Hawaiian shores. May they continue to flow.

By Capt. Warner.
THE MEMORY OF VAN WERT, PAULDING, AND WILLIAMS.—Examples of fidelity and patriotism; men whom neither the threats of a tyrant's minions could intimidate, nor a tyrant's gold corrupt. May they ever find imitators.

By Mr. Perry.
THE MOTHERS OF THE REVOLUTION.- May their daughters be worthy of them.
By Mr. Tobey.
THE GLORY OF '76.—May it continue to be celebrated with as cheerful a company, and under as fruitful a vine as the present, as long us these Islands exist.

By Mr. Grimes.
THE DESCENDANTS OF THE HEROES OF '76.- May there be but few found willing to relinquish for a price the noble land purchased at such a price, aye, sealed with blood.
By Mr Gilman.

By a Lady.
AMERICANS IN THE SANDWICH ISLANDS.— May they be second to none in their efforts for the welfare of the Hawaiian race.

By Mr. Norton.
May the spirit of patriotism which animates us this day, never cease.

By a Lady.
AMERICA.—The home of our affections. May her sons and daughters at home and abroad, prove true to the principles of her institutions.

By S. N. Castle.
THE BIRTH-DAY OF OUR COUNTRY'S INDEPENDENCE.—May the celebration of every future anniversary be characterized by the sobriety and good order that reigns on this occasion.

By Mr. Marshall.
OUR FAIR COUNTRY-WOMEN.—May all our celebrations of this glorious anniversary be conducted in such a manner as to deserve the charms of their presence.

By a Lady.

Mr. Brown, the President of the day, exhibited much “tact” in calling upon the guests, both ladies and gentlemen, for sentiments, many of whom were taken by every unexpected surprise, and yet there was shown a ready aptness in most of the replies, which produced much merriment on the occasion. We very much regret -not hiving it in our power to have retained more. One of the guests, (we think it was Mr. R. A. S. Wood,) being called upon for a toast, proposed

It having been drank, Mr. B. rose, and thanking the company for the honor they had done him, proceeded to say, “That nearly three centuries and a half had elapsed since a new continent had been given to the civilized world. Two centuries and a quarter have nearly passed since a body of noble spirits—themselves inhabitants of a nation at that time considered one of the freest, if not the most free under Heaven— believing that the privileges that they then enjoyed, were not all they inherited from their Creator—left their native land, for the purpose of finding some other, in which they might worship their God according to the dictates of their own consciences.
After submitting to deprivations, and passing through sufferings and trials, at the recital of which the sou' shudders, they colonized a land afterwards to be the freest on Earth.

Sixty-nine years ago, a nation sprung into existence; a nation peopled with those, animated by the same spirit and love of liberty that had governed their sires, and this day, on an isle of the ocean—thousands of miles from their homes—some of the descendants of those noble men are met to celebrate the anniversary of that day when their fathers “rose in their might,” to assert that freedom which was their birthright. But why came they here to this distant clime? To impart to the benighted and ignorant, the blessings they themselves had acquired, to teach the knowledge of that God who had been the God of their fathers—and of that Saviour, in whom they had not put their trust in vain. A glorious enterprise, and nobly fulfilled.”

Mr. Brown closed by giving as a toast,

These remarks of Mr. Brown drew forth a reply from the Rev. Mr. Bishop, of Eva, Oahu. In behalf of his brethren and for himself, Mr. B. remarked, that they come under the belief and they had acted upon the principle, that Christianity must precede civilization— the history of the world had shown this to be the order of elevating a nation. He then spoke of the benefits which the people had derived from commerce, and closed with the following sentiment—

AMERICAN COMMERCE.—May it prove beneficial to the Hawaiian race.
No sooner had Mr. B. taken his seat than a brother missionary, Mr. Armstrong, at the other end of the table. arose and offered the sentiment,

AMERICAN LADIES.—Decidedly the best American commodity ever imported into the Sandwich Islands.

It was either before or after these sentiments were offered that a guest sitting near the lady of the American Consul, proposed the following,—

AMERICAN LADIES ABROAD. —Among the most amiable of Uncle Sam's daughters and brother Jonathan's sisters.

To the foregoing was made the following reply, by a lady sitting on the left of the President of the day.

OUR PARTIAL BROTHERS.—Know they not that flowers quite valueless where many bloom, when found upon a foreign strand, most lovely seem, because they tell of home.

When Mr. Titcomb, of Kauai, was called upon, he replied, “Success to American agriculture at the Sandwich Islands.” The Rev. Mr. Dole, teacher of Puanaho School, proposed as a sentiment, “the rising generation,” which called forth the following, from a lady,

CHILDREN.—The young Olive plants— may they never be found wanting around our tables.

Mr. Brown, after drawing much upon his ingenuity, succeeded to draw from Mr. Drew, of Plymouth, Mass, the sentiment, “Plymouth Rock.”

On the health of the lady of the American Commissioner being given, Mr.  Brown, in thanking the company for their kindness, remarked that if any thing could have made him forget the dear ones left behind him, it would have been the unvaried kindness and attention he had met with from all his country-women, on the various Islands of this group, since his residence here, and closed by giving as a toast,

OUR COUNTRY-WOMEN ON THESE ISLANDS. —May not only the seventh son, but the tenth daughter rise up-and call them blessed.

At one period of our being seated at the table, for a moment the flow of animated remarks ceased, and that no time might pass unoccupied, the Seamen's Chaplain took the opportunity to remark nearly as follows,

It was with no ordinary feelings of pleasure, I learned that the American residents in Honolulu, were making the necessary arrangements for a temperance celebration, on the 4th of July. I feel as if a very high compliment had been paid to the principles of total abstinence. If I have been correctly informed, those interested in this affair, decided upon a temperance celebration, because after several plans were proposed, it was conjectured more could he found to unite upon the total abstinence principle than upon any other.

Our thoughts on this occasion are naturally turned towards our native land and its glorious institutions. That most memorable state document, the Declaration of Independence appears before our minds. Among the venerable signatures thereto affixed, is that of John Hancock—there it stands; you have all seen it for the thousandth time. We are this day, also reminded of the remarkable temperance reform. In connection with that reform, the name of John Hawkins stands prominent. He was one of the original signers of the Washingtonian Pledge, in the city of Baltimore. Permit me to give as a sentiment,

JOHN HANCOCK AND JOHN HAWKINS— The memory of the former, and the labors of the latter.

This was followed by a sentiment from Capt. Spring, of the American-bark Allioth.
THE AMERICAN TEMPERANCE UNION.— May numbers be added to it daily, of such as shall be saved.

The limits of our sheet would not suffice to publish all the pleasant, witty, pithy, numerous and entertaining remarks that were uttered by ladies arid gentlemen on the occasion. We can only hint at remarks about “jewels and diamonds,” “absent friends,” “rosebuds,” “blossoms,” “and withered leaves.” Mr. Cook observed that his sentiment was to be found in 1Peter, 2:17,  “Fear God, honor the king.” 
To which we will only add, that when the President of the day called upon the youngest person at the table, a son of Capt. Spring, for a sentiment, the youth replied,


It was pronounced one of the best of the day. The involuntary expression of many was, “yes, our mothers all.”

Between the hours of five and six o'clock, the company dispersed. The remark of each and all was that they never had been present at a more pleasant, and in every respect appropriate fourth of July celebration. The presence of the ladies, and the absence of all intoxicating liquors, were thought to have contributed in a most important sense to the happy and satisfactory termination of the celebration.

If any apology is necessary for having devoted so large a space in our columns to the publication of the foregoing account of the temperance celebration, — we would remark, that in our estimation, it forms a most important epoch in the history of convivial entertainments, and 4th of July celebrations at the Sandwich Islands. The experiment has now been meet successfully tried, and the point established, that intoxicating liquors are not absolutely necessary to make a public dinner pass off with pleasure and satisfaction. To all who may think of “getting up” a public celebration in future, we would make the suggestion, never think or harbor for a moment the idea of excluding the ladies, or bringing forward intoxicating liquors— Whenever such shall be the case, let the guest beware, or they may have occasion to make the mortifying remark, “we were caught, but you don't catch us again?”

On the evening of the 4th, there was a display of fireworks in the town and valley, a national salute of 21 guns having been fired at sun down. After the dinner, it was the design to have sung (and we know not why they were not sung) the following patriotic and soul-stirring lines:

My Country! 'tis of thee,                                                                            
Sweet land of liberty,                                                                                     
Of thee I sing:                                                                                              
Land where my fathers died;                                                                       
Land of the Pilgrims pride;                                                                         
From every mountain side,                                                                           
Let freedom ring.
My native country! Thee,                                                                             
Land of the noble free,                                                                                 
Thy name I love.                                                                                               
I love thy rocks and hills,                                                                             
Thy woods and templed hills;                                                                        
My heart with rapture thrills.                                                                         
Like that above.
Let music swell the breeze.                                                                         
And ring from all the trees                                                                          
Sweet freedom's song:                                                                                    
Let mortal tongue awake,                                                                              
Let all that breathe partake.                                                                            
Let rocks their silence break.                                                                       
The song prolong.
Our father's God! to thee,                                                                             
Author of liberty!                                                                                           
To thee we sing:                                                                                         
Long may our land be bright.                                                                        
With freedom’s holy right,                                                                         
Protect us with thy might.                                                                           
Great God, our King!